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Human criminal, fence, smuggler, blackmailer: lawful evil.

Personality Traits. Terrowin deals in secrets of all kinds. He is a charismatic fence who is excellent at connecting like-minded people—for a price. He has ties to the Thieves’ Guild and influence over multiple powerful politicians, but no one knows who.

Ideals. What people don’t know won’t hurt them, and it can definitely help me.

Fears. I owe someone a debt I’m not sure I can repay. I hope I can survive when they come to collect.

Quirks. Can often be seen eating an orange. Whole.

Secret. Terrowin’s father is a wealthy duke who beat and terrorized him as a child. Terrowin escaped and made his own way in the world at the age of 12, changing his name and identity several times since.

d6 Magic item

1 Immovable Button 

2 Charlatan’s Wardrobe 

3 Fortune’s Fivepence 

4 Band of Mirrored Essence 

5 Set of Secret Scribe Candles 

6 Deathly Diadem 



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