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Wondrous item, uncommon

This engraved geode has been split apart into two equal halves. A labyrinth is carved into the rock's rough exterior and glows with a faint light.

While holding one of the halves, you can use an action to speak the geode's command word, "unturned," and turn it over so the flat, gem-encrusted side is pressed against a solid stone, natural metal (such as iron or silver), or earthen surface such as a floor or wall. When you do, the geode becomes magically fixed in place against the surface and projects a 3-foot-spherical map above it, showing the area within 120 feet of it. The map shows all walls, floors, and other surfaces made of either stone, natural metal, or earth within range as translucent outlines and shapes. The map is entirely monochromatic, but shows the general location of any trap or gemstone within its range with a shapeless red glow.

The geode remains fixed in place until you speak its command word again using a bonus action, its surface moves, or it's forced to hold more than 100 pounds. A creature can use an action to make a DC 15 Strength check, moving the geode and causing the map to vanish.

Once a half has been used in this way, that half can't be used again until the next dawn.

"We've been walking in circles for an hour, Gorrin."

The half-orc looked perplexed. "I'm sure that this was the right way, though...."

The dwarf, having had enough, took out a gemstone from his pack. Meliandra looked over to him.

"Oh? Looking at your rocks, again, Dres?"

The dwarf ignored her, placing the gem against the cave floor and muttering a word under his breath.

A spectral map illuminated the dark cave passageway. The corridors and the walls around them appeared, revealing a hidden passage behind a false wall nearby.

"Wow." Muttered Meliandra.

Gorrin stood and contemplated the map, silently. "What are those red lights, Dres?"

Dres picked the stone back up, dismissing the map and stowing it back in his bag. "Either our death or our fortune. Care to find out?"



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