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Wow! What a poll! That was the definition of neck-and-neck. Don't worry: Vincent's Silver Shuttle may return another day!

Come hang out, heroes, while we make these darts!


Pst! If you're asked for a code, it's "a2df49c0b57bea41425072d055023685"

See you there!

Hey heroes!

Let's make something a weaver would have! Very cool suggestions this week from some new heroes! Thank you everyone for your comments! I adjusted and combined a couple of these to make some ideas that held the essence of the original comments but should be more immediately usable and fun for the average player. You all taught me a lot about weaving today! These are just ideas, and their finer mechanics can be revised during the livestream and during the balancing process.

I'll be updating this post just before 7:30pm EST tonight with the exclusive Picarto link to the stream. You should get an email alerting you to the change! Picarto has, so far, been a more reliable host for streaming. You don't even need an account to participate in chat!  Come hang out!


  •  Weaving Wasp Needles — A pair of Darts that are thrown at the same time. Make two ranged attack rolls with them as part of the same attack action. If they both hit, the needles fly around the target, spinning a magical thread behind them that restrains the target. The target can use an action to free itself following a Strength check, or another creature can sever the thread by dealing 10 slashing damage to it.

    You can also use the needles to knit or weave a small garment over the course of a short rest. The garment smells freshly of flowers and forests and lasts for 7 days, after which it deteriorates into fertile soil. While wearing the garment, insects have disadvantage on attacks rolls against you.
  • Enchanter's Loom — This color-changing lap loom is made of Couatl scales and teeth. This magic-infused loom has the ability to use rare types of thread to create items with short-term magical abilities. During a long rest, a person proficient in Weaver’s Tools may use this loom and one of the types of rare threads listed below to create one of the following types of clothing: Gloves, Tunic, Cap, or Stockings. The clothing made has a magical property associated with the type of thread used. The magical property lasts for the duration listed.
    • Unicorn Mane. (4 days) You gain a +1 bonus to AC.
    • Winter Wolf Fur. (5 days) You gain resistance to cold damage.
    • Ankheg Sinew. (5 days) You gain resistance to acid damage.
    • Phase Spider Silk. (4 days) You gain a +2 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
    • Shapeshifter Silk. (2 days) You can cast the disguise self spell at will. The spell ends if the garment is removed.
  • Vincent's Silver Shuttle — This silver rod is a large weaving shuttle. As an action, you can speak its command word to cause up to 50 feet of finely woven and tightly bound rope made from yarn to coil out of it, attached to the shuttle. The shuttle acts as a grappling hook, capable of supporting up to 750 pounds when in this form. Speaking the command word again reels the rope yarn back into the shuttle, pulling whatever creatures that are holding on to where the shuttle had lodges itself. Speaking a different command word unhooks the shuttle, allowing it to harmlessly zip back into your hand, following the rope.

Let's make an item! See you tonight!


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