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Personality Traits.  Priyanna grew up on a farm as the only girl in a house of 10 children. Her beautiful exterior is contrasted by her no-nonsense professionalism, outright ignoring any attempt at flirting or differential treatment to her male colleagues. She is a talented fighter and capable leader.

Ideals. No crime goes unpunished. I’ll see to it.

Fears. Will delivering justice turn me into a villain?

Quirks. Sings softly to herself when drinking wine.

Secret. Priyanna has trouble sleeping. She moonlights as a vigilante: hunting down the criminals she can’t while on guard duty. Her demeanor becomes soft and kind when helping people as her alter-ego.

d6 Magic item

1 Rope Caster 

2 Webgrip Rucksack 

3 Weapon of Spite 

4 Silver Eagle Greatsword 

5 Galvanic Steelsnare 

6 Helm of Heroes 



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