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Weapon (crossbow, hand), common

This magic weapon is a favorite among infiltrators. Its firing mechanism has no string, unlike other crossbows. Instead, this weapon can only be loaded with rope. As a bonus action, you can load a length of rope into the crossbow. When you do, individual strands from the rope magically latch onto the weapon's limbs and pull the mechanism taut. You can make a ranged attack with the crossbow to fire the rope at a willing creature or an object within range that isn't being worn or carried. If it hits, the target takes no damage from the attack but is bound by the rope. If the rope is long enough, it magically wraps around the target in a single loop and securely ties itself, leaving the remaining rope to hang from the knot. If the target is a willing creature, the rope ties itself around the creature's chest or waist as a harness but does not restrain them. If the attack hits an unwilling creature, the rope falls harmlessly to the ground without being tied.

A creature can use its action to make a DC 10 Strength or Dexterity check, releasing a bound object within its reach on a success.

The halfling carried no bolts with him to load his crossbow; only a long stretch of rope hung loosely by his side. In a single, fluid motion, he drew the crossbow and placed the rope in its center, aiming it at the gargoyles on the roof of the duke's estate. A muted thunk, and the rope was launched 60 feet upward towards the stone structures along the roof's edge. The rope tied itself effortlessly around one of the sculptures, and as quickly as the halfling had arrived, he was gone.



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