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Hey heroes!

I'm live! Come hang out while we make this exciting new shield!


Yay! More stream issues! Let's try this again.



Let's make something for the honor of our cause! These are just ideas, and their finer mechanics can be revised during the livestream and during the balancing process. As they stand right now, they're probably all very rare (requires attunement by a paladin).

I'll be updating this post just before 7:30pm EST tonight with the exclusive YouTube link to the stream. You should get an email alerting you to the change!


Oathkeeper's Resolve — A shield that can be doffed and thrown to the ground, casting a glowing sphere of radiance that extends your Paladin auras to creatures within the shield's glow, as well as allowing you to grant them temporary hit points using a bonus action.

Oathkeeper's Will —  A pair of bracers that glow with a holy script that appears when you attune to them. You can use these bracers to cast spells from your Oath spell list (that you can cast) using charges. You can also use a bonus action to slam your fists together while wearing them to commit to your stance: increasing your AC by 2 if you're not holding a shield but halving your movement speed until the end of your next turn.

Oathkeeper's Fortitude — A magical set of halfplate armor that uses charges to allow you to alter the course of battle and destiny with divine magic. You can use a charge as a reaction to ignore disadvantage on a roll, reroll a concentration check on a spell, ignore a d20 roll and use your Charisma score instead, or take no damage instead of half damage when you succeed on a saving throw against a spell or effect that affects you in that way.

See you tonight!


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