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Wondrous Item, uncommon

This seemingly overgrown quiver keeps a large plant magically concealed within. The quiver can store up to 20 arrows or bolts. When you draw a piece of ammunition from the quiver, you can speak the quiver's command word as a bonus action to magically connect the end of the ammunition to the plant inside the quiver. The plant is a rope-like vine that flies effortlessly behind a fired piece of ammunition. While wearing the quiver, you can use a bonus action to magically retract the vine up to 60 feet back into the quiver. Any object weighing less than 25 pounds that was hit by a connected piece of ammunition is pulled back toward the quiver when its retracted in this way. Despite the quiver's limitations, the rope-like vine can hold up to 250 pounds on its own.

If you hit a creature with an arrow or bolt that was connected to the vine, the vine magically disconnects itself and falls from the ammunition. You can disconnect the vine from the ammunition by speaking its command word again or sever the vine from the quiver as a bonus action. Once severed, the vine is considered to be a mundane length of hemp rope.

You can only fire a connected piece of ammunition as far as you have the vine to. The quiver regrows 1d4 x 10 feet of vine each day at dawn, up to a maximum of 120 feet.

The overgrown forests of Elsath are a truly awesome sight. The plants seem to move like a painting whose pigments have decided to run amok. Particularly clever adventurers can sometimes manage to take a souvenir home with them. Assuming they make it back, of course.



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