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Hey heroes! Thanks for coming out and helping make this exciting item this week! As always, this item's mechanics may change between now and its official release, but this is the first look at the Omenbringer's Mantle!

Omenbringer's Mantle
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

This raven-feathered mantle is almost iridescent. While wearing this mantle, you have resistance to necrotic damage and descend 60 feet per round when you fall, taking no damage from falling.

In addition, you can cast the find familiar spell as an action instead of its normal casting time using the mantle. When you do, the familiar takes the form of a raven. If the familiar falls to 0 hit points, it can't be summoned again until the following dusk. Otherwise, the familiar remains so long as you are attuned to this item.

The caws of ravens are said to bode misfortune. I know them to speak the truth.

I'm live, heroes! Come hang out for this month's last workshop and let's make this exciting new item together!


It's polls like this that keep me up at night.

Feathers won out by a single vote. What craziness! Thanks for the plethora of suggestions this week, heroes, these are fun to look through. And as always, scaled voters: you'll be able to vote for the return of a scaled item as soon as next week when we do the workshop runners-up vote at the start of the month!

I'll be updating this post just before 7:30pm EDT tonight with the exclusive YouTube link to the stream. You should get an email alerting you to the change!

Item Ideas

Loose ideas from the comments, both from those that suggested them as well as other non-related ones, have given me these three ideas we can work on tonight. Rarities at the end of the suggestion are projected rarities, but can change if the scope of the item changes over the course of the workshop.

Featherquill Bow — A bow that can fire magical feathered quills that float around it at a target, then use those quills to insult or mark it with vicious mockery or illusory script on it as a bonus action on a following turn. (uncommon, requires attunement)

Pendants of the Flock — A paired set of feathered pendants that allow one creature to change its initiative roll to match that of the paired creature's once a day.  (rare)

Dirgesinger's Mantle — A feathered cloak with a raven's skull that can summon a raven as a familiar once a day, as well as grant a featherfall ability and resistance to necrotic damage. (very rare, requires attunement)

See you tonight!


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