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Gargaral downed the colorful concoction without a second thought. He needed to impress her this time. The sensation was curious, to say the least. Like being scrubbed down and groomed within a few moments. He shielded his eyes as the dust and muck from the road billowed off his body in a mud-colored cloud. He brushed his clothes clean and fixed the part in his hair before walking with confidence back over to the waitress.

"Hello again," he said. A slight smirk resting on his face. The waitress looked up at him, an eyebrow slightly raised. "Have y—." He was cut off: a slight hiccup interrupting his suave introduction. When he opened his mouth again to continue, purple bubbles escaped him.

Both Gargaral's and the waitress' eyes followed the bubbles in a stunned silence. When the last of the bubbles were gone, the waitress spoke. "Was...was there a toy duck in one of those bubbles?



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