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Potion, common

This bubbly potion is frothy and smells of lavender and flowers. A creature can drink the potion using an action. A creature that drinks the potion has its outermost layer of skin rinsed from its body and any remaining dirt and grime magically washed away. In addition, its breath, hair, and nails are immaculately cleaned and refreshed, looking either polished and pristine or smelling of daisies and honey. For the next 24 hours, any blood, dirt, or grime magically falls away from the creature, and it continues to smell and appear freshly washed. Bubbles occasionally escape from the mouth of the creature while the potion is in effect.

Gargaral downed the colorful concoction without a second thought. He needed to impress her this time. The sensation was curious, to say the least. Like being scrubbed down and groomed within a few moments. He shielded his eyes as the dust and muck from the road billowed off his body in a mud-colored cloud. He brushed his clothes clean and fixed the part in his hair before walking with confidence back over to the waitress.

"Hello again," he said. A slight smirk resting on his face. The waitress looked up at him, an eyebrow slightly raised. "Have y—." He was cut off: a slight hiccup interrupting his suave introduction. When he opened his mouth again to continue, purple bubbles escaped him.

Both Gargaral's and the waitress' eyes followed the bubbles in a stunned silence. When the last of the bubbles were gone, the waitress spoke. "Was...was there a toy duck in one of those bubbles?



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