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Hey heroes! If you remember the last post I made regarding Archvillain Games' Kickstarter, this is the follow-up one, now that it's launched! And if you never got your custom Death Locket 3d model, you can still sign up on the email list here to get it sent to your inbox immediately! Sweet deal!

Again, Archvillain are world-class modelers, and their art team is, obviously, totally killer. I'm excited about their campaign, and if this is your kind of supplement, you can't ask for much better. If you end up pledging for it, lemme know! We'll high five in the afterlife after our inevitable TPK.

Keep on adventuring!


So: what happens after your party fails to slay the dragon (never!), or are crushed by falling rocks (very likely)?

Erevan’s Guide to Death and Beyond is a 350+ page 5E supplement that covers everything you need to know about what to do after a TPK (total party kill)! Plus, all backers that pledge for a physical reward within the first 72 hours will also get for FREE a liquid-core "Soulriver" d20 and the physical 35mm Risen Tyrant miniature.

Get your copy (and early-bird freebies!) here!

And, especially for those of us here, this book offers a stunning array of over 50 new and CRAFTABLE magic items. And, if you like holding your treasure in your hands, they also offer their items in a pack of reference cards!

The book also includes over 40 dark spells, 75 unholy monsters, and Megabosses — each with its own premium miniature — that will challenge even the bravest of adventurers. You can also experience The Undying Accord, a thrilling 180 page adventure book where a Total Party Kill is only the start of an adventure like no other.

So are you afraid of dying? In Erevan’s Guide, it's only the beginning! Take advantage of more than 50% off during the Kickstarter campaign, and discover the grimmest supplement you've ever seen!

Get your copy here!

Until next time, keep on adventuring!




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