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Wondrous item, uncommon

A faint, floral perfume wafts from this handbell and radiates powerfully from you when you ring it. While holding the bell, you can use an action to ring it and instantly make any flowers blossom, any seed pods open, and any leaf buds bloom that are within 60 feet of you, provided the sound can reach them. Once this property of the bell has been used, it can't be used again for 1 hour.

Any swarm of insects within earshot of the bell must immediately make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or become distracted by the smell of flowers, either from the bell's perfume or from any that bloomed nearby. Regardless, a swarm that fails the saving throw is indifferent towards you and your companions for 1 hour or until it's threatened or harmed.


The winter had been long: the stock of candles had dwindled over the cold months, but once the ground thawed, Auntie was quick to bring her work back above ground. New rows of who-knows-what were added to the edges of the garden daily, and soon, when we no longer needed our hats and gloves, we brought out the tables and chairs. Over the next week, the whole family came to the grounds, each with their own expertise, until all the spare rooms and seats were happily filled.

And so, on the first night, as the first frogs' croaks warbled through the garden, we started to gather. Auntie stood watching, her pipe in one hand, her bell in the other, and with a smile wide across her face. With a flick of her wrist, the bell's familiar tone rang out, and the new transplants bloomed all at once. The warmer season was finally here.



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