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One of the Steven Universe projects is going to be a continuation of the Crystal Gems growth contest. The other one is about Rose Quartz's magical double in Rose's room, using the power of the room to alter herself, or to create other magical doubles she can interact with. 

One idea I had, based on some existing assets was Rose creating a magical double of Pearl, turning her into a stool, and sitting on her :)

And other simple scenarios, like Rose expanding herself, or swapping her body proportions with magical doubles of other characters.

So, if you guys have any thoughts for possible scenarios/interactions, let me know ^^ I'll try to add as many as I can *nods* 



the crystal gems getting addicted to growing and it getting way out of hand


Rose and Pearl getting bigger and fatter from eating!


I like the switching proportions idea. That could be fun for a mix up between the Gems.

shard zerune

switching proportions please


How about Peridot taking either Garnet, Rose or Jasper's proportions

Uno B
