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I'm playing around with some ideas for this one. 

I figure after she eats some candy-looking planets, the weight could go to her belly, then to her boobs. Or maybe she just gets really plump :)

Either way, I figure the mass in her boobs or belly is enough to create a gravitational pull that ensnares other planets, like Saturn and Jupiter ^^

Quick note, I haven't forgotten the Cartoon Network Chicks in the Buff requests. I'll get back to those next week *nods* 




Nice hope she eat more!

Deliciously Decadent

Stocking eats panty for booty fat and panty eat stocking for belly and boobie fat?


I wish both paths can be done, but I just to belly then boobs


Stocking's boobs get bigger and Panty fondles her from behind

shard zerune

boobs and belly are good^^