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Among the girls I created, what is your top five? And why?



I like Jade, Monique, Xenia, Jenna, and Laura. They seem like interesting and nice girls and I would love to tickle their feet. With that being said I still like the rest of the girls you made 👍.


Jude and Karen Xenia . I love bad sexy toxic women. Sandy is always a joy to see cause she’s cute. Jessica, I like red heads.


My top five favourites in order are 1- Jenna 💚 2- Karen🕷 3 - Xeina 🪶 4 - Sandy 🌸 5 - Xiang Jiao 🦶 (Nova and Monique were so close to making it to the list 😭 ) Xiang Jiao: strong barefoot fighters are always my weakness!!! i love how tall Xiang is and I especially love her very long toes. Out of the spin off characters I personally believe Xiang easily has the best clothes, I love her battle outfit and her Rock clothes. 🤘 Sandy: everything about Sandy is beautiful, I love her attitude, her hair, her appearance, her sense of fashion and in general i just love Nice Kind friendly girls. And most importantly, Sandy is one of the best girls to tickle!!! If I had only one wish, and If a certain Naive girl didn’t exist, then Sandy with out a doubt would be the girl I would wish to be Real ❤️❤️❤️ (Sandy is an icon for tickling XD) Xeina is an evil sadistic super sensitive barefoot tickler! What more do I need to say? Xenia despite tickling other’s is very ticklish herself and that’s such a sexy concept to me. Especially because she is friends with Jude 🤤 (I hope we see more interactions between those two) Also Xeina is probably the most “sexual” character depicted so far. (But honestly I find that the ranks of Sandy and Xeina are interchangeable depending on my mood.) Karen: What's better than a mean, sadistic, strong, barefoot girl who HATES being tickled? Nothing I say. I think Karen is the number one best girl to tickle, even better then tickling Sandy (blasphemy, I know XD) Which is a shame because Karen is a character that can only be tickled rarely in order to maintain a powerful image for plot purposes. And that “powerful image” is the whole reason I want to tickle Karen, what a paradox!!! But the rarity of seeing Karen get tickled just makes it all the more exciting when Karen does eventually get her turn 🖤🖤🖤 (Also Karen has the BEST facial expressions in the whole EveryDay universe. No debate is possible) Jenna: I’ll try to keep it short XD I love everything about her. her hair hairstyle, her green colour scheme, her relaxed attitude, her playful nature, and I especially LOVE Jenna’s tired eyes and that silly smile of hers. They are by far Jenna’s best physical features ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I love her to death! Jenna is so impossibly cute! Jenna was the Naive girl I mentioned earlier, surprising I know XD If Jenna was real I would give her a BIG hug! Then immediately start a tickle fight XD Personally I very much prefer girls like Sandy or Karen who HATE being tickled. I believe that its the sexist trait, and is the common trait with all the girls on my list. But Jenna is so perfect that it doesn’t even matter to me, I’ll get over it 🥰🥰🥰


Now Mr EveryDay, my curiosity is through the roof. Who are your Top 5 characters and why? 👀👀👀 (I think I could guess 4 characters XD)


5.Sandy 4. Jenna 3.Yunari 2. Nova 1. Jude


Jade, because of how kind she comes across on the paneling. Jade seems to be the most realistic to the kind of woman you can meet who would not only resemble her physique and attitude, but would have the same reaction to being tickled. Anne, because she’s an absolute babe and is only becoming better as she ages. Her shoe size and ticklishness are traits that really should make her a recurring character to be targeted and tickled (looking at you, Xenia) And Sandy. Sandy is perhaps the psychological reasoning why I have this fetish. Her phenotype, the long, slender feet, the helpless reactions to being tickled, and her femininity are just superb. I literally wake up everyday hoping to see her in a situation where she is either having her feet tickled, or is laughing hysterically as Xenia’s tongue dances all over the sole’s of her feet. If you ever decide to do a commission project for me, I think you would understand why I love your characters so much.


1Monique shy but sweet, 2xenia mean but sexy, 3xiang girl that know martial arts are hot, 4Danika goth enough said, 5sandy shes that girl next door


Is there anything that attracts you about these five girls? Why are they really your favorites? ^^


The first three are evil girls, and for this I share your preference. <3 Karen is a super femme fatale. <3 Sandy is the favorite of many. <3


I expected nothing less from you. Your answers are always the most beautiful and enthusiastic. Thank you very much. Obviously I'm not surprised at your first position. xD Though I thought I understood your taste, I'm surprised to see Xiang Jiao in the top five <3 I'm surprised but also happy. You described her so well that I have nothing to add. I think Xiang Jiao is one of the spin off characters I have best characterized. <3 What you say about Sandy honors me and makes me very proud indeed. I am so glad to read your opinion. I'm really thankful to see that Sandy is always a favorite of many. <3<3<3 Xenia is a really sexy character, and as I recall she is your favorite tickler too. <3 Maybe she's mine too XD What can I add about Karen? XD You were perfect. Also, as you already noted, Karen is rarely tickled, but that's what makes it so exciting. I do this precisely because of what you just said. As you see it is working. I didn't know you considered her facial expressions to be the best in Every Day. Thank you very much. I'm really happy to read how much you are in love with Jenna. I'm glad to know that my character makes you so happy. I'd make it true just to make you even happier. Thank you for your declaration of love. <3<3<3 p.s. yeah, I was expecting Monique to be in the top five, but you surprised me. And I didn't realize you were really into Nova that much. If I told you to make a top 7, thus giving you the possibility of joining Monqiue and Nova, what would you write about them?


These are questions not to be asked, because an artist is always in love with all his creatures. XD Damn. I can't choose. I'll try. In order of preference : - Sandy. I don't think there was any doubt. I created Sandy with everything I love about a girl in mind. I still remember the first concepts of when I created it. I was very much in love with her and never stopped. Sandy is sweet, kind, friendly, funny, intelligent, she loves animals and has a huge dream to realize. No man on earth could not love her. Sandy is to me the most that one could get out of life. Every time I draw Sandy, I infuse passion and sweetness and I fall in love every time. Besides the fact that she is extremely ticklish, the most ticklish, I love everything about her. - Karen. For everything you've already written. And I also love her part in the original series (as Sandy). There are so many things that you all may not yet know about Karen that I hope to tell very soon. Bad, evil, fighter, barefoot, crazy, bossy, dominatrix, leader....Karen is the girl I would like to have in bed, during sex. If I could explain myself better, I would like a girl who acts like Sandy during the day, but who becomes Karen in intimacy. XD All these characteristics, introduced in the spin off universe, where Karen is the third most ticklish, who hates being tickled, that the center of the sole is her weak point, which is very ticklish on the tongue, makes me love her madly. Also, even though I've invented girls with much bigger feet than Karen, I love her because for me she remains the undisputed queen of the footfetish world. Karen's feet are the best feet to idolize. Make me your slave Karen, please. - Monica. Among the spin off girls she is probably my favorite, although she is interchangeable with who I will mention in fourth place. Monique is the realization of a dream. I absolutely loved Dave Alvarez's Yenny character (I miss her so much) and for years wondered if I would ever make an ebony girl of my own. I finally had the opportunity to create Monique. I really have a soft spot for black girls feet, that have sexy contrasting white soles. <3 Monique is one of my favorites for that, but also because she's tall, I love black skin, I love her curly pink hair , her huge feet, the fact that she's shy, sweet and the second most ticklish girl ever. - Xiang Jiao. I like everything you wrote too. A very tall girl, skilled in fighting, with a dojo to save, with huge boobs, with long feet and very long toes. I fell in love with her too. Furthermore, I really like her character, because she's a tough girl who gets pissed off easily (and I enjoy it). Xiang Jiao doesn't want to be subdued by anyone but unfortunately she is too ticklish. What wonderful coincidences. <3 I think she is one of my best designs. I also love her outfits, her hair and her freckles. <3 - Xenia. My favorite tickler, very good at licking, bisexual and a lover of feet and video games. I really like her because for now she is the tickler that I characterized best, because she has different facets. I probably would like to be a victim of her. Xenia is also quite tall and has big feet, and is an extremely ticklish tickler. Xenia is the most ticklish tickler of all, she wears flip flops and is very ticklish on her feet. I love her. <3 I also really like the design I created for her. I think Xenia has a very sexy body. p.s. Nova and Queen Finger are very close to this top. Basically you and I have 90% the same tastes XDXDXD


Holy shit I promise i was about to send this message to you XD “I’m confident that you have Sandy, Karen, Monique, Xiang jiao and Xeina as your top 5. Am I wrong? 👀” I’m psychic. (I’ll reply in detail later don’t worry 👍)


I love your description of Sandy ❤️ Because It shows that tickling is just a tiny aspect of what you like compared to what you truly love about Sandy as a person. You really put your heart and soul into Sandy. It makes me happy to read your passion! 😁 I do actually quite love Sandy’s dream, but that is because my sister for 12 years never shuts up about becoming a veterinarian XD So in a way I deeply empathise with Sandy’s dream. Karen. Man, now I have to know Karen’s backstory! I can’t wait to learn about her. Oh? so you want a kind girl during the day and a menace during the night. that is a beautiful combo, but the sex must be crazy 😜 I can now clearly see the creative process behind Karen and Sandy’s brith. Also I couldn’t agree more with that final statement. when it comes to the foot fetish world, Karen is factually unmatched. 🖤 Monique. There’s nothing for me to say, you already said everything <3 The only reason Monique didn’t make the list for me was because Jenna existed. I’m so sorry Monique I really do love you honest 🙏. If it weren’t for Jenna our list would have been the identical just in a different order X3 (if you had the ability to tickle torture; the sensitive Sandy, the Evil Karen or the big footed Monique, who would you pick? 👀) Xiang jiao. I actually believe Yunari has the best design out of the spin off characters. She looks cool and even has cool looking eyebrows XD But if your just talking About attractiveness and characterisation then yes, Xiang does blow away lot of the competition!! you really outdid yourself when creating Xiang Jiao <3 Xenia is a walking time bomb. anyone wanting to have revenge only has to look down ;) Xeina is extremely sexy and one of the few proactive characters. I really love seeing Xeina’s obsession for feet. It really reminds me of how Sanji acts when he is around women, but instead it’s feet XD❤️ Man its always really interesting to read your thoughts and opinions. But I think your comments during Karen’s section was the most interesting read. I feel like I know you better now 😁 If you were to make a top 7 instead. what would you have wrote about QueenFingers and Nova? 👀👀👀


Thanks i was a little worried about length of the comment originally, but just thought screw it. Yeah, Jenna really presses all the right buttons for me ❤️ Xeina and Sandy are very interchangeable for me, but Karen and Jenna are too strong a duo 💪 (a very ticklish duo XD) (P.s Karen’s title of “best facial expressions” might be in danger if Jenna continues to make such cutes faces like she did in “A day with friends” ❤️) Had it been a top 7 I would have said… 6-Monique: everyone loved yenny growing up, therefore how on earth could I not like this cute shy big footed fuzz ball <3 I really love the whites soles of black girls they are natures greatest beauty <3 <3<3 And also I quite like Monique’s design, her curly hair and her huge feet really work well for her height and really bring out her awkward shy personality. Being shy and wearing sandals is such a huge upside to me because it means Monique isn’t a very loud person which makes the inevitable all the more exciting (Quiet girls often laugh the loudest 🥰) 7-Nova, even I didn’t expect Nova to be this high on the list XD Man, where do I start? Nova is a huge strong brown skinned women with white soles that defeats her opponents by tickling them. And did I mention that NOVA IS ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE!?! That’s such a big upside, it is so sexy to see her use her huge body to tickle strong characters and treat them like little lost kids XD Which makes me wonder how little strength and effort does Novas need to hold down and tickle one normal man….like myself 🙈 And after that animation of Nova teasing with her feet I knew Nova couldn’t be lower then 7th place.


Both are perfect descriptions. For Monique the perfect phrase and one that I really liked is that black feet with white soles are the greatest beauty of nature. <3<3<3 Monique is really cute and her laughter is actually very loud. I agree with every single word of Nova. I'm glad you're enjoying this character that's a little different from the usual charachters design. An important and succulent (for me) detail is that in addition to everything you've written, the muscular and naughty Nova is still a very ticklish girl. <3<3<3


Difficult choice but I would tickle Sandy because I'm in love. XD <3 What about you, between Jenna and Karen? XP About Nova I would write the same things you wrote. I also added one thing in the other reply comment. Queen Finger attracts me because it's a completely different thing. Queen Finger is the most unbeatable, dangerous and evil tickler of Every Day. I am convinced that all the other ticklers have the possibility to be stopped for two reasons : - They're tangible - Somehow we could get a deal with them. Jude is a merciless tickler in some instances (like when she tortured Sandy) but she's a human, with interests, so I guess deals could also be made to make her stop tickling you. Queen Finger instead : - is intangible and can change shape -There is no possibility of bribing her because unfortunately for her victims, tickling others is just a hobby. She doesn't want anything from you, she just wants to hang out, so if she wants to tickle you for an hour, she tickles you for an hour, if she wants to do it for five, she does it for five, etc... You can't give her anything in return. Queen Finger is therefore very dangerous and very powerful. she is the worst threat to the girls of Every Day. Also, as I said at the beginning, I love the fact that she is different, and her completely black feet are abnormal, and do not exist in reality, and for this I find them very sexy.


Nature greatest Beauty is actually Monique herself XD Of course! I can’t believe I forgot to mention that detail about Nova. But See? Nova just has to many positive traits to even remember XD I can’t wait to see Nova’s strength become utterly useless and watch her essentially succumb to the weakness of a child. Total domination 🤤 But what human is capable of tickling such a mammoth!!!


They are beautiful descriptions <3 I didn't think Jade looked the most realistic. Anne is one super hot mom, and her feet are gorgeous. I'm sorry I drew little of her lately. I want to do more with her too. Sandy I think she is the girl that all tickle lovers fall in love with. <3<3<3


Ah, so you paid Monique a huge compliment. <3 Thanks. I too can't wait for Nova to succumb as well. <3


I Love Jenna as a person. ❤️ But I love Karen as a victim!!! 🖤 So I would have to pick Karen. You made a whole thesis on QueenFingers. I agree with a lot of what you said, especially about QueenFingers unworldly feet <3 she really is the ultimate tickler that can make even Iron laugh!! Actually this is good timing because I had a flash of inspiration involving, Xiang jiao, Yunari, Nova, Sunako and QueenFingers. So I’m currently writing a story about them for a hypothetical future commission XD Man, I have to many ideas.I call it “The Summoning” Coming in 2034 XD


How did I guess your favourites? Well Sandy had to be first obviously. If you love Juri then Karen must be at least 2nd place. Monique i just thought she had to be above Xiang because of her smiler features to Sandy and Yenny. Xiang is a character you continuously praise so I thought she had to be above 5th place. And Xenia was mostly a wild Guess XD Truly I should work as a detective.


1. Danika 2. Anne 3. Raphaela 4. Yunari 5. Monique The first 4 I like because they are all variations of the type of person who would deny and resist admiring their ticklish (they also all have the belly as a weak spot) Monique is on there because I find her design cool and unique