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I love girls feet very much.

In addition to tickling, I love feet very much, and I admit that I would also like to be trampled by Nova. XD

I wish I could be that guy.

Nova's feet are huge and sexy, and she's such a bad, powerful girl that it's impossible to escape her.

I hope you like it. it was very difficult to make.

Which section do you prefer?




Oh my GOD 😍😍😍 That is so sexy 🤤 That guy is so damn luck- I mean, what a poor soul someone save that man! XD It’s difficult to choose a favourite because their all so beautiful, but I think the sexiest section is the final section when Nova grabs the man’s face with her whole foot and and swings him ❤️❤️❤️ However it must be stated that the first section where Nova is wiggling her toes to tease her victim is also so extremely fucking hot. 🥵 But what an idiot! Fight back! Nova hasn’t removed the guys ability to use his “tongue” 😏 Getting a small giggle from Nova is worth the punishment XD This is also a fantastic debut for Nova’s new outfit ❤️ I hope I don’t sound too rude, but when Nova first appeared she was my least favourite female simply because personally I have never found her specific body type to be attractive. but now Nova has been skyrocketing through my favourites list and it’s scaring me XD I desperately hope that one day in the future we see a similar animation but with but Karen instead 🙏

Adam Bichr

Will nova be in the manga?


This is so hot 😍 Nova is very good at what she does. I'd want her to stuff me in her armpit 😆 but my favorite section is the last one love everything about it how's she rubbing her foot and how much she's loving it


That man needs to be saved because he doesn't look happy, but I would be. 😆 ❤️👀 I can't decide my favorite section. xD I agree with your considerations on the two animations you mentioned. Nova's wriggling toes are sexy. ❤️ That guy probably doesn't use his tongue because he doesn't like feet. He doesn't appreciate the good things in life.😆❤️ You are not rude. Everyone has preferences, and Nova is definitely not everyone's favorite kind of girl xD I am very satisfied that you are falling in love with her. xD I'm shaping your tastes xD I want to create a post asking for your top 3 (or 5). Eheheh, Karen is really the one I want to draw in this situation. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Before inventing Nova I had thought of Karen (absolute foot dominatrix) but I had the impulse to draw Nova's giant feet.❤️


My tastes have completely changed since I become a patron supporter, you would make a great Cult leader XD Ooow, I hope you do make a post asking that question. I would interested to see everyone’s favourites list.


Just coming back to say that this is a dream come true. I love this piece so much.


I'm conflicted! I don't know if I should feel sorry for that guy or envy him! 😆😋🤤❤