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That's the one. That's what I'm talking about. A good, solid cable-knit sweater to replace the one that ended up all but ruined by the end of last winter. 

I'm sure the same fate will befall this one. There are plenty of fire embers to go around, and it's not like the fact that I'm already a bit of a slob when I eat does me any favors when [insert random condiment here] ends up on my built-in shelf. But, the dark color ought to help with that a little. 

It's one of those polyester numbers that you just know wasn't made for longevity, but by goodness, it is soft. 

Plus, it goes down to my waist, which is actually kind of rare for stuff that doesn't fall into "tunic" category. And stretchy! A little peekaboo to what's underneath? Meh, I can live with that.

Especially when it's this bra, which is slowly becoming one of my new favorites.

Up-and-out projection? A little more jiggle than I'm used to, but it beats the hell out of not always smushing my arm into my side-boob when I'm reaching for shit.

All in all, this gal is a big fan! 4.5 stars. (1/2 of a star off because I've been biding my time for one of those retro-tastic Icelandic wool sweaters that are apparently all the rage these days.)




Works better if we can see your face--ok, call me a luddite...