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I was really curious about this one from the get go. I’m not exactly sure when, or if, it was ever in style? I’m not the most sartorial person in the world, but I’m not really quite sure what function a denim, button down, sleeveless tunic serves. It FEELS like it came from a very early 2000s? But I can’t be quite sure.

It’s got these funky belt loops, so… Wear it with a belt I guess? And, it has pockets, which is kind of cool, but… The pockets are different sizes? And the fringe on the bottom… It’s all just very confusing. I literally cannot think of a time or place where I would ever wear this, unless I was trying to set some sort of long-haul record from Charlotte to Little Rock, Like in that Burt Reynolds movie. (Cannonball Run, I think?)

It’s funny… It would ALMOST be kind of cute, if it had sleeves. Maybe I could match it with some sort of button down? But then, it would just be sleeves, because the color goes all the way up to my neck. It’s all just very, very confusing. Don’t get me wrong, it kind of amuses me, but in the way that a two-headed snake amuses me.

I will give it one kudo. Technically, I can put it on, do the belt thing, and the girls still have enough room up top. That’s kind of rare for most outfits? But at least this one has that going for it.

I’d welcome any suggestions for how this can possibly be made cute. Maybe there are the perfect leggings out there, or something, that would just pull it all together. So I’m going to stay optimistic. In the meantime, I’m gonna go ahead and give it... 2.5 stars out of five. 🤷🏻‍♀️




i would go higher than 2.5 stars


Combine with a long flowy skirt, should make the difference