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This is one of those nights when I just have not been able to fall asleep.

I try to get productive. And in the same way that you would try to clean off your desktop on your computer, I was doing the same thing with my phone. I’ve been getting that notification that says “ I can’t save any more images!” So I went through, and tried to clear some stuff off.

I literally cannot remember why I took these pictures. There were a few of them. All almost identical. Selfies, only as far away as I can actually hold my hand.

Chalk this image up to “the preserve it, because why not“ file, otherwise it would’ve just gone in the digital trashcan forever.

But there was something about it that I wanted to keep. There’s a lot of blank space in there. But it does speak a bit to a general idea of hugeness.




Awww. I’m awake too. Totally relatable once again. I gotta clean up this phone of mine too


There is a solution to your problem. Back them all up to cloud storage. That way you never have to permanently delete.