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My inspiration for this, my first "set," is a testament to, well, resourcefulness. I purchased a few pieces of lingerie on Amazon a little while back — little numbers that were only €2 or €3 each — and I was fairly certain that, even in the size that I was ordering (6X makes a girl feel skinny!), that they would never fit in a way that normal lingerie is supposed to fit. (The exception to this little splurge is the long lace dress, which fits adorably (I think) and was given to me as a very lovely gift.)

Underneath? A stretchy white camisole that ended up going around my waist (the cups are ludicrously small, so it works as an under boob short skirt); a very see-through teddy; and something that was originally intended as being atrociously scimpy, and that would never, ever, ever work on my body: in the end, I actually cut some of the straps, retied it together, and ended up fitting it around my chest while tying it around my neck like a boobs-only halter top. And then, over all of it, the long flowing gown, which does sway and flow with the breeze. Oh! And there are white stockings.

This first set is all five of those items together. The NEXT set will represent a bit of a progression… Peeling away the layers in some sort of crazy Patreon-only version of a dance of the seven (well, five) veils.

For me, this was fun. I got to get all gussied up, really took my new smart phone tripod for a test drive, and got to play with a super bright light that I plugged into the ceiling.

And, it was a little strange, giving the woman in the mirror a quick glance up and down before the shutter started snapping. Who is this woman, why is she wearing make up, and what the hell happened to her T-shirt and jeans?




Found photos from an investigation of a haunted plastic surgery ward. 😉


they are enormous. so beautiful