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I've gotten a few letters from you guys, asking if (and this is the phrase that was used) everything is OK. And, thank you for those. I need to respond, but in short, yes. Things are fine. They are just… Things.

Yes. With the beginning of February, I kind of shattered my promise of doing a thing a day. I'm really sorry about that, you guys. The last week has been interesting. I've been in a place where my mind has been trying to catch up to whatever it tries to catch up to. I do myself a disservice by saying, "I'll get to it tomorrow." And then, time goes by… I guess we all go through that sometimes.

So, as far as thing a day is concerned? Promise broken. I can try to make up for it, and replace the days that were missed, but at this point? Those days were missed. Sands through the hourglass.

That's what I like about all of you. My following here? And whatever that means? Following? I don't have as many followers as my contemporaries. Which means I don't have as much money! (Good Heavens!) Which means I don't have as much prestige! Which means that I can't get into certain parties, or garner the attention of people who want to advertise with micro influencers! Or even, eventually on a white tiger!

The wonderful thing, and I think that those of you who are reading this right now know this... is that it's never been about any of that stuff for me. What a wonderful thing this is! I get to do whatever I want on this website, putting up long winded essays, pictures of what I'm cooking that night, and, yes, occasionally a picture of my big ol' titties. I don't think I can possibly express to those of you who have bothered to stick around, how much I appreciate that you have. You're under no obligation to. You can cancel at any time. But if you're reading this, it means that you like me. And you like what I have to say, and more importantly, it resonates with you. Maybe in some goofy way, maybe in some erotic way, maybe because you want a recipe for a really kicking ranch dressing. We are a small band of weirdos, but we're in this together.

We don't say this enough to the people we really care about. There are some of you I know well, and there are some of you I really do feel that I would like to get to know. It's a small group here, on this Patreon. But I do consider you all to be friends. You're a force of sanity in my life, and a way that I can contextualize what is often a hurricane in my head.

Tonight… I got out of my funk, and I did a photo shoot. Just me, my iPhone, and a tripod. And a light, that was anchored into the center of a room. I had a few drinks, took some breaks in between and lit up a cigarette, trying to figure out what I was going to do next. I rearranged some furniture, played with some angles, and… Holy shit.

I'm going to put them through the filters, and I'm going to play with them a little bit as far as exposure, contrast, and whatever else this funky app I have offers me. The pictures aren't done until they've taken on the aesthetic that I want them to take. But tomorrow, or maybe the next day?

I think you'll all actually get to see what my large breasted contemporaries call a "set."


Gossip Girl




Extremely relieved to see this tonight! Was starting to (perhaps irrationally) worry about ya. =) Hope that you're doing okay, both physically and mentally, and that the coming days can keep you out of your funk 😉


I was a little worried when I no longer saw updates. I hope you are well now. you are such a special person 😇