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Catch the buzz as we discuss George Langelann's short story, The Fly!

Special thanks to reader Andrew Leman!

Here's that Return of the Fly song by the Misfits that Lackey keeps singing.

Next up: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving



Regarding the discussion of Star Trek's transporters killing people, my longstanding headcanon is that this explains why most people in the Federation are so thoroughly lacking any sense of spirituality. The first time everyone uses the transporter, they immediately die and are replaced with a soulless copy. Only people who've never used a transporter could understand why God needs a starship.


The "although I killed my husband, I am not a murderess" bit had definite shades of the beginning of The Thing on the Doorstep. Given this show's antecedents, I was a bit surprised there wasn't a discussion about the Lovecraftian nature of the half man/half insect and the themes of the invasion of the human mind by an alien/bestial intelligence.


This, the horror isn't just "thing that should not be" but what would it be like for either half.