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We're investigating The Creeper in Darkness by Frank Belknap Long!


Special thanks to reader Erik Peabody of Viking Guitar Productions. You can hear Erik tear into a FULL READING of T.E.D. Klein's amazing story The Events at Poroth Farm on the Horror Hill podcast! Listen on YouTube here!

Next up, a month of science fiction starting with A Walk in the Dark by Arthur C. Clarke. We'll see you in the future!



Three comments. First, everyone raise your hands if this familiar made you think of "Puddock," the familiar from the Chaosium Call of Cthulhu adventure, "The Secret of Castronegro" from 1983's Cthulhu Companion. Second, this story made me think that FBL knew his Cotton and Increase Mather. From The Wonders of the Invisible World: "Now, some Devil is evermore Invited into the Service of the Person that shall Practise these Witchcrafts; and if they have gone on Impenitently in these Communions with any Devil, the Devil may perhaps become at last a Familiar to them, and so assume their Livery, that they cannot shake him off in any way, but that One, which I would most heartily prescribe unto them, Namely, That of a deep and long Repentance. " and also "... 'A witch in league with the Devil is convicted by these Evidences; I. By a witches Mark; which is upon the Baser sort of Witches; and this, by the Devils either Sucking or Touching of them." Well maybe not a long repentance, but the good deed of saving the young girl maybe comes close. And the witches Mark reminds me of the story's familiar attaching to the protagonist. FINALLY, the fans DEMAND more more MORE of Mr. Chris Lackey voicing the story's Familiar as a recurring character in the Podcast. The way he says, "Dale" makes my day and he is destined to join the ranks of Lying Vincent Price. An INSTANT classic.


Now I want a CW tween romcom show about good and bad witches at Salem High School that spend all their time tricking each other into committing good or evil acts and CONSTANTLY turning these middle manager familiars into bronze.