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Join us as we continue our read of T.E.D. Klein's mythos novella Black Man with a Horn!

Special thanks to reader Erik Peabody of Viking Guitar Productions. You can hear Erik perform a FULL READING of T.E.D. Klein's amazing story The Events at Poroth Farm on the Horror Hill podcast! Listen on YouTube here!

Here are links to our previous episodes on Poroth Farm if you'd like to revisit:

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Next up: MORE HORNS!



My reading of events is that the creature is in the hat box on the plane, and the Malaysian passenger is singing to it to help it grow, then later it's still not at its full size when it's seen by the maid in his hotel room. Whether this is connected to whatever the Tcho-Tcho grew inside the missionary's guide, I'm not sure; it might have gestated inside him as an embryo, or perhaps this could have been something else growing inside him entirely. What this other incident made me think of is the orchid-like plant in 'The Seed from the Sepulchre' by Clark Ashton Smith, which grows inside a man's skull (and it might even be a reference to it for all I know).


Chad, if your recliner is really making those moaning sounds, you need to be careful. I've heard some reporting on a growing problem with chairs like that. Lots of people buy them at second hand stores or even off the street, bring them home, and wake up the next day with all their belongings taken! That's right, thieves are hollowing them out and waiting until night to rob you blind! Luckily(??) t sounds like yours has a voyeur in it instead, which is rare, but I actually heard a report about it here: https://www.strangestudies.com/episodes/episode-1-the-monsters-are-due-on-maple-street-5park-4rnc9-bgfky?rq=chair