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We're talking about the 2014 vampire film A GIRL WALKS HOME ALONE AT NIGHT as well as assorted Draculas in the news!

Apologies for the sporadic quality of Fifer's audio and haircut - we're in the midst of an upgrade and some systems are wonky!

Video link for this episode: https://youtu.be/oJHuMgPZxkE



As an Anime fan, and Vampires. I feel really loved Vampire Hunter D, even the first film from the 80s. But that's in a "so bad it's good" kinda way if you find the original dub. The modern redub for the blu ray is honestly a bit straight and boring. Bloodlust is obviously a much better production and just looks amazing coming out in the early 2000's. So definitely if you "had" to watch one, watch Bloodlust.. both films are adaptations of the novels Hideyuki KiKuchi, which I honestly never touched until recently. They are decent! Especially with some of it's world building (Sci Fi Western) ...but I'm about 5 books in and there are things that become a bit cliche. There is definitely an element of the "strange", and could possibly be worth checkin out for the podcast... question mark?


Chad mentions listening to Greig Johnsons podcast here, but I can't find a Greig Johnson podcast? Is there a Greig Johnson podcast? Can anyone point me in the right direction please?