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March is for Draculas soars into the Dracosphere with Revelations in Black by Carl Jacobi!

Special thanks to reader Mike Cuellar of The Weird Tales Podcast and author of The Colin Malatrat Museum of Curious Oddities and Strange Antiquities.

Once again, here's William Shatner brandishing a tripod.

Next up: The Werewolf and the Vampire by R. Chetwynd-Hayes.



“Eyes as large as the ends of big spoons”???? Wow. Americans really will do ANYTHING to avoid using the metric system.


Pet names: In the 90s after I had moved out for higher education my family had a cat named Colonel Fuzzbuttons. He also eventually went to live on a literal farm along with his lover, a younger cat named Pretty Boy, after a parent decided they must be possessed by gay demons. This is the sort of parental decision that has kept me from moving back. I'll leave the tale there, since, as you reminded us last month, it's the mystery that lingers. "I had not vacationed in south Europe without learning something of these ancient evils": Now I have some retroactive complaints about the curriculum of my college study-abroad year in Greece! Also, this quote reminds me of one of my favorite lines from the legendary X-Files episode "Jose Chung's From Outer Space": "I didn't spend all those years playing Dungeons and Dragons and not learn a little something about courage."