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We're joined by Andrew Leman and Sean Branney of the podcast Voluminous as we discuss The Black Abbot of Puthuum by Clark Ashton Smith! 

Whew! Say THAT five times real fast!

Next up: Revelations in Black by Carl Jacobi



I wonder if the abbey section from the classic D&D module “Master of the Desert Nomads” (aka X4) was at least partially inspired by this goofy romp. At least those monsters had the decency to cloak themselves by day in an illusion. No self respecting D&D party would have followed the abbot to a second location. :)


I do like CAS. The Maze of Maal Dweb was my introduction, and is still a favorite. The Averoigne stories are, on balance, superior to much of his other work. This story fits the month’s theme, but unfortunately that is the best that can be said for it. It’s always a treat to hear Andrew reading and to have both Andrew and Sean on to discuss the story.