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We're joined by author and game designer Dennis Detwiller to talk all things Delta Green!

Check out Delta Green's Need to Know quick-start rulebook!

Video link for this episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9TQwkZ0Q0c

Next up: Behind-the-Scenes footage for our Searchers, and then a month of fantasy stories including Terry Pratchett and H.G. Wells. Kicking it off - The Fortress Unvanquishable, Save for Sacnoth by Lord Dunsany.



Love this episode! I'd vote for more extras that explore the CoC gaming world. Perhaps even a treatment of an adventure as if it were a written story, spoilers and all.


A writer of the Prototype game is a writer for Delta Green? I loved Prototype, so now I may have to check out Delta Green.