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It all comes screeching to a halt as we finish our coverage of E.M. Forster's science fiction tale The Machine Stops!

Special thanks to reader Levi Nuñez! Grab Music from the Book of the New Sun by Loot the Body now!

Next up: Extra Credit on DELTA GREEN!



I believe that the tabloids that are mentioned in the last chapter are the dietetic tabloids that Kuno mentioned earlier. This made me wonder if the Machine had caused a nutrient deficiency in humans the way the Jurassic Park scientists caused a Lysine deficiency in the dinosaurs so that if they ever left the park they would die. Perhaps the way the Machine discouraged people from leaving was by keeping them dependent on tabloids and the reason so many people were so incredibly weak in the end is because they weren't being supplied tabloids and were suffering from nutrient deficiency. Might be a sub-theme of dependence on Big Pharma to trail the main theme of dependence on Big Tech. It is much easier to unplug than it would be to try and go without insulin, lysine, or whatever else the Machine was putting into those dietetic tabloids.


I really enjoyed the section where The Machine and it’s correlated parts began to breakdown. It reminded me of that large first section of the The Stand, where there’s an almost perverse charm and fascination with the post Captain Trips world or how Roland’s world is in a state of steady, but then rapid, degeneration through the Dark Tower series. Both of those stories, like this one, are all the more powerful given their similarities to our own world.


Got some really enjoyable "Paranoia RPG" vibes off this story. All Hail Friend Computer!