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Tune in as we discuss E.M. Forster's EXTREMELY prescient science fiction tale from 1909: The Machine Stops!

Special thanks to reader Levi Nuñez! Grab Music from the Book of the New Sun by Loot the Body now!

Link to article: E.M. Forster's work tailed off once he finally had sex. Better that than a life of despair 



'It's better to have a few good friends than a lot of listeners' ...they said to the lot of listeners.


I feel like you could throw this exact same setting into a Star Trek utopia where folks have every physical need addressed and are free to think and ponder philosophy to the betterment of intellectualism. It's all about the spin I suppose. I'm curious if the Machine itself can think or if it is just a reflection of the humans, kinda like how Microsoft had to kill their AI chatbot in a day because the low quality of human discourse it was exposed to turned it into a racist bigot within hours of birth :P