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Squeeze in and join us as we discuss J.G. Ballard's tale of overpopulation, Billennium!

Special thanks to our reader, Erik Peabody! Check out his reading of Pickman's Model now! Or pick up this episode's closing track from Viking Guitar - Obliterator!

Next up: The Machine Stops by E.M. Forster!


Brian Pitt

Coming to this very late, but on this theme I really recommend “Stand on Zanzibar” by John Brunner. It’s about overpopulation but also one of the first sci fi books with chapters entirely devoted to revealing the setting (through in-world newspapers, advertisements, etc.). I read the copy in my father’s library when I was 16 and I still go back to it frequently.


Regarding Del Toro's "Cabinet of Curiosities", I've only watched The Autopsy so far as well and thought it was amazing. I'd love to hear you guys cover the Shea story. Does anyone know if the story has been previously adapted for film? After I read it, I was wracking my memory for what movie was influenced by it, but came up blank. The scene of the alien spreading out filaments to the trapped miners seems so familiar.


The idea that folks in Japan work crazy long hours is, I'm very happy to say, no longer true. Heck, a recent study puts the US at #16 on the list of most working hours while Japan sits at #43. It is very true that the population is rapidly aging and fewer children are being born. The way is being cleared for a much more expansive immigration policy. Lots of television shows with people visiting Japan, coming to Japan to learn, and folks who come here to work. I think things are likely to level off. There is no doubt that living spaces in Japan are smaller than many other places. Another study shows the average Japanese home being 1023 square feet. Of course the UK average is 808 square feelt, so...


Long time listener first time commenter. This story really spoke to me on a personal level. You may find this information terrifying but in a foolhardy attempt to save money for (hopefully) my own house I'm currently splitting a 3 bedroom apartment with 6 other people. I have an 8 by 10 living space and its true how quickly we just accept living conditions as adequate when living in them for long enough. The story really captures the borderline subliminal claustrophobia that you learn to live with day to day. And the feeling of excitement at gaining just a few inches is something I understand waaaay too completely for my liking. At any rate thank you guys for doing what you do you've got me through many a long work night and day! I hope you have many claustrophobia free days and nights ahead of you


Wow! We can both relate, somewhat - we lived in a 3-bedroom with 4 people for a while and it got tense sometimes! Good luck and thanks for the kind words!