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I don't mind you saying centarr (and minotarr). I'd only ever heard centour (and minotour) before. I'm just surprised you didn't blame your mum (or mom).

Lord Rancid

Definitely Mine-O-Tor, certainly Sen-Tor, unmistakably Trog-Dor...


Thanks for reading out my comment. I'm glad I had something worth contributing. Just wanted to let you know, you pronounced my name incorrectly. The o in Koshka is like the o in David Bowie. Type it into Google translate to hear it. (It's Russian: кошка. I'm not Russian myself, but used to work somewhere with a lot of Russians and took a liking to the language)


Sounds like it might be like the o in Khoshekh.

Ben Gilbert

I pronounce it to rhyme with dinosaur. Of course it depends on how you say dinosaur.

Jamie Brittain

lol you guys with the Kyra Sedgwick thing you should just really stop talking about it lmfao.


Man I've finally done it. I finally got caught up with the show today after years of listening. I found you guys one day back in like 2014 when I randomly searched for HP Lovecraft in itunes podcasts. I had only ever read one story of his when I found my stepmom's leatherbound Necronomicon back in high school. Funnily enough the story I read was "The Beast in the Cave" which turned out to be a story he wrote when he was 14, which was probably my actual age at the time so it explains why I loved it. Anyway, I fell off the podcast listening scene for a few years cause I was addicted to audiobooks and last year decided to start back at the beginning of your podcast and have finally reached the end. It's been a wild ride and I feel I could listen to you guys talk about anything. Your show is what propelled my love for Lovecraft and honestly has really impacted my young adult life in a lot of ways. So thank you for the many years of entertainment, and here's to many more! In regards to the Nutcracker, I loved your coverage of it and tbh all I knew of the story was the Courage the Cowardly Dog episode where he fights off a bunch of rats with only a nutcracker while the music is playing the entire episode. It's a very surreal episode. Alright I've gone on long enough. Time to get caught up on Voluminous and Rachel Watches Star Trek. Curious if Chad has ever thought of having a second podcast as well, maybe with Heather? P.S. I've always said it like Cen Tar and Mino Tar. Maybe it's a midwestern thing.


My experience of the Nutcracker was made more hallucinatory by reading a different translation. I picked up the Pushkin Press version translated by Anthea Bell. Apart from the usual stuff that comes from different interpretations the character's names were different; Maria is Marie, Fred is Fritz and Lady Mouserings is Mistress Mousie.


I think it is an American mid west thing. I've always heard Cen-Tore and My-no-tore.


Also: I know you guys have stories lined up for the next while but can I humbly request The Glamour of the Snow by Algernon Blackwood before it gets too warm out?


So when Chad says “I think Michelle revealed something about herself here...” I FULLY expected him to follow it up with something like,”Clearly, she’s hot for nutcracker.”


Honesty, I say centarr and minotour. I don’t make the rules.


A day late and a dollar short, I did find my Nutcracker book (given to me Christmas of 1984, so I was 10, so not at the same time as I got my Nutcracker) which has illustrations by Maurice Sendak. I made a Pinterest board of some selected pics I took of the book, so you can see the illustration of Marie at the time the Nephew shows up IRL and decide for yourself how old she looks… she certainly seems younger to me now than she did to my ten-year-old eyes, but still well older than she does in the other illustrations of her throughout the book. https://pin.it/6t0OBP6