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We're chattin' about last month's stories and so are you!



I listened to Night Creeps this weekend. I just have to say, it was awesome!

William Rieder

"Nightmares in Dixie" isn't a book I'm familiar with, but looking at the ToC, the cannibal children story _might_ be "Where the Summer Ends" by Karl Edward Wagner. It's definitely a great novelette, and would be easy to misremember in that way. (Nope: looks like it was "Beyond the Cleft" by Tom Reamy)


Jumping in mid-episode to say that I am in favor of Crawford Tillinghast: Defend All Monsters. ...But what would his legal defense be for the ghost in Turn of the Screw?


Not sarcastic at all, guys. Although, as a teen in the 90s sarcasm became my default voice, so maybe it truly was sarcasm and I can't even tell the difference anymore?? In all honesty, been following you guys from very near the beginning (I think Randolph Carter was the first episode I caught in real time) and have flirted with the higher Patreon levels for a long time. The first episode of the Colossus made it a done deal. Great addition to an already great podcast, thanks so much for all of this!


I'm not sure if I've ever been more excited by anything than I am right now by Crawford Tillinghast: Defend All Monsters. Night Creeps is definitely one of my favorite albums of 2021. And Chad: I live in Madison, so if y'all do move out here, maybe we can be friends -- it'd be nice to find someone I can talk to about stuff and junk.


I would like to propose that Crawford Tillinghast take on the case of Delapore. He should argue that the real monster is the cat who may not be named. As Chad demonstrated in the Rats in the Walls ep way back when that cat was doing everything it could to scare the bejeezus out of that poor man. Yes there are extenuating circumstancese.g. Delapore’s got monster in his blood and the kitty’s probably just taking revenge for being slapped with that moniker, but if not for that feline’s dragging the poor man through the spooky house every time a curtain moved or boogying on a mountain of bones, Delapore would probably just be growing alfalfa and only occasionally thinking about how yummy Edward’s plump cheeks are.

Avlin Starfall

I think the country lawyer Crawford Tillinghast should take on the case for the Cloverfield Monster. It was a human satellite that woke the monster up but what was it's justification for killing and destroying all those people and buildings? That's for Crawford Tillinghast Attorney at law to defend. Also, Chad, in regards to the Man-eater joke, you have to remember Chris doesn't listen/find your jokes funny remember? He just plays that recording of him laughing from his phone. You found that out during that "Behind The Scenes - The Hanging Stranger" video.


As a Madison native and soon to be UW alum, I wholeheartedly endorse a move to Madison, WI. Alas I will be leaving to go work on The Hill for a while, but love this place. The more I go elsewhere, the more I realize how much I love it. Our metro transit system could use some updating, but if this infrastructure bill passed maybe it will happen. Also you guys could do a live show at The Orpheum and it would be lovely. Really a great place, and the climate adaptation thing is legit. Edit: I may be a bit young and naive to be a friend per se, but I’d be happy to be a guide. I may force you to read my Pan essays tho 🧐


Another one in the wild! How fun! There’s more of us than I thought apparently 😅


Crawford Tillinghast:Defend All Monster in the case of The People vs. Nyarlahotep...?


I would like to see Crawford defend Nyarlahotep, Dracula, Saruman, and the Purple People Eater.


I was thinking the Predator got arrested for hunting without a license. He would need a defendant with a deep understanding of hunting subculture and international law.


If you’re moving to Wisconsin, and Electric Hellfire Club are from Kenosha, there better be a Pitch Black/Hellfire tour in the Midwest


Okay Mr. Tillinghast, defender of all monsters, can you defend Humanoids from the Deep? Actually, don't try. Refuse to represent them. No one would come out well defending that 70s exploitation cringe fest.


In the case of The People of Japan v. Gojira, King of the Monsters, the defense attorney should be a specialist from the United States.


I second that notion, Sir Rush. Delapore deserves a skilled Southerner who can build his defense. Poor guy was totally stressed over the death of his son-- Heavens to Murgatroyd, it was a violent, war death even! Obviously, a supernatural whatnot took over Delapore's sensibilities. Wasn't he a vegan!? Not only did he mow down on man flesh, he began talking in tongues!


Crawford Tillinghast, Defends All Monster needs to go up against Lying Vincent Price as a witness in the Case of Amontillado.


Hey gents, thanks for all the weekly entertainment you guys put out! I recently had John Carpenters In the Mouth of Madness come across my recommended movies on Amazon, and decided to give it a watch. It was a great movie, and I seem to vaguely remember you guys mentioning it a while ago, and it seems like a great topic for a bonus episode, if you want to of course!


Dear Crawford Tillinghast Esq., The good entirely human humans at Monster Energy Drinks would humbly petition for representation in a case of actual human homicide (accidental) occasioned by the largely unpredictable bouncing of our monster truck - Monstrous Man-Killer. Our hive mind (metaphorical) buzzes (literal) with the injustice of puny hominids daring to imprison our broodmare. Without bail! Please come at your earliest convenience. Or, as is our wont, we can abduct you or your thinky bits at our earliest convenience. Respectfully, MED LLC, DDS


The big three ‘90s smash flops inspired by ‘30s pulp adventure are The Phantom, The Shadow and the best one - The Rocketeer. Dick Tracy was a hit, and Warren Beatty sometimes still claims to be working on a sequel. In 2010 he even filmed a weird in-character TV special to hang onto the rights, which is on YouTube if anyone’s curious.


The half-mention of a smart squid brings to mind Jones the cyborg dolphin in Johnny Mnemonic. I assume you’re waiting for William Gibson to die before covering any of his stories? Hinterlands is definitely cosmic horror.


I sometimes remember liking Rocketeer and then I catch a bit of it on Youtbue or somewhere and wonder where those memories came from.


Hey Chad and Chris, I finally listened to the comments show and was surprised to hear you read out my tale of skeletal woe and museum horror. And what you said was heartfelt and sweet. As a very long time (12 years!) listener and supporter of your work, the feelings are mutual. You guys are a class to yourselves in the podcasting world, and a class act!


Beyond the Cleft by Tom Reamy is also in his only collection of short fiction “San Diego Lightfoot Sue and Other Stories”. Apparently he died young, found slumped over his typewriter writing a new story.