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Hello dear patrons!

We're off these last two weeks of August but didn't want to leave you stranded, so this week and next we'll be sharing some unedited conversations about all sorts of things!

In this episode: Golden Girls, RPGs, Bullet Babies, and DOGS DOGS DOGS!



If the cat wears a collar, talk to the owner about getting a bell for her. That way, she won’t be very successful sneaking up on birds.


The "Bullet Baby" story was in the original Book of Lists, "Strangest Births".


Bobcat surprise is a running joke in xkcd since this comic : https://xkcd.com/325/ "would not buy from again."


Upgrade the squirt guns for something more high powered. Cats are stone cold killers - responsible for 33 extinctions and kill 2+billion bird and 12+ billion small mammals a year in the US! Can those numbers be right?! https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/moral-cost-of-cats-180960505/


That Italian TTRPG sounds a bit like Wild Talents, which is about stacking matches.


The funny thing is, house cats don't actually kill "for fun" as people like to say. While they're solitary hunters, they actually *live* in communes in the wild, raising their kittens communally. The reason they hunt more than they eat is because their instincts tell them they need to hunt on *behalf* of members of their community that are too old/sick/etc. to feed themselves, even if they don't have a community. Of course, this paired with the fact they're only native to North Africa and the Middle East makes them extremely invasive anywhere else.


Chris, have you tried spraying orange oil around the perimeter of the garden? It (often, but not always) helps repel cats and would be a less hostile response than a water pistol. Also, water pistols don't always work as intended. My grandmother had a spray bottle she kept in the basket of her walker to keep one of her cats from tripping her. She only needed to spritz him a few times before he realized "the water bottle is BAD," except he'd still do the behavior until she pulled the bottle up and shook it. Then he'd run off, shaking his head as if he got squirted.


Also, I'm a Mid-Range Kramer myself. The oddest person some people know, but I have even ODDER friends to help me keep perspective.


The spray bottle was only there to be defied if my evil, old (and greatly missed) Blackjack the Cat was any indication. It was just encouragement to double down on whatever assholery he was currently committing. After multiple injuries sustained from fighting neighborhood dogs, we kept him leashed on our porch, but he still found a way to kill birds. He also insisted on being outside around the beginning and end of the school day for the nearby Elementary school. He would be the friendly kitty for the little kiddos, getting all the attention and lots of pets.


As an actual Kramer, I am not sure how to respond. This episode of Gumball deeply confused my children. https://youtu.be/RhX-QGEEmwg


Golden Girls? Cats in the garden? What the hell am I listening to? Oh, Table Top Roleplaying Games and discussion of creativity... I'm in my happy place.


A game I'd love to try but have never had the chance to play.


I enjoy a good TTRPG now and then, and I find myself more and more interested in very rules lite games, like Mork Borg.. currently one of my favs is Soulbound. It's not too heavy on rules, and it's a dice pool system!.. So you always get the fun of throwing a handful of die!


I do like how Chad’s go-to examples of modern comedies include 30 Rock. 30 Rock has a bunch of weird fiction background plots going on with immortal Kenneth and Leap Day Williams. Tracy Jordan even has a From Beyond moment during a drug trip where he realizes he’s a character on a TV show.


THANK YOU! You have successfully brought up "The Golden Girls" and H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu in the same podcast. The storylines and antics of Blanche, Dorothy, Rose and Sophia remain very relevant and quotable, and connectable to most day-to-day situations. In order to avoid a Dorothy side-eye, like Rose gets when saying, "Back in St. Olaf...", I find myself uncomfortably holding back from referencing the Girls in conversation daily. Self-control is a tricky practice :) Now, I do not approve of the visual mergers of zombies and "The Golden Girls" that I've seen on-line. Picture it. No thank you. Therefore, I hesitate to envision blending an 1980s comedy sitcom about women of a "certain age" with early 1900s non-euclidean weird tales of indescribable, cosmic monsters that cause mental collapse under some Shady Pines. I wince, and admittedly, I chuckle slightly.


Podcast cross-referenced with "The Golden Girls" for Chris Lackey: 1. Dead dog in suitcase --- Dorothy's Aunt Angela once found a small, dead man in her suitcase, right between a veal shank and her beaver coat. Blanche: "Oh, God, you must have been heartbroken." Angela: "I was absolutely devastated. I mean, first I had to burn the suitcase and then the beaver coat. And the veal shank never did taste right." (S2E12) 2. Dead dog substitute --- Sophia replaces Dreyfuss, the neighbor's dog she's sitting, with a look-alike, and Dryfuss comes back, confusing her. Rose: "Well, there's only one thing I can think of. We used to do it back on the farm, and I may be a little rusty, but it's worth a shot." Sophia: "Whatever it is, do it. I'm desperate." Rose: "OK. Here goes. Dreyfuss, come here, boy! This one's Dreyfuss." (S4E21) 3. Role Playing Games --- A live-in-nurse can be an interruption. Blanche: “Dorothy, at 2:00 a. m. this morning, I was entertaining a gentleman caller when she opened the door at the most inopportune time. I could have lost my balance and chipped a tooth.” Rose: “You think that's annoying? She came into my room last night when I was reenacting the gangplank scene from Peter Pan.” Dorothy: “What the hell goes on at night in this house?” (S7E3) 4. Doing things out of guilt --- Rose felt frustrated with her figure skating lessons, and really, she was doing it because that's what her parents had wanted for her. Dorothy: "Oh. It doesn't matter what your parents want. Rose, you're never gonna make them happy. They're just gonna nag you and nag you until you want to grab their throats and choke 'em, but you don't, because you're in a hospital with resuscitating equipment!" (S6E1) Enjoy watching, Chris. From Ryan


Changing the type or location of bird feeders might also help. Some taller, and away from cover where the cat could hide.


Now I think you need to Voltron a few more Urban legends together, so we get "A family was walking back home with a suit of armor they found on the beach, when it was unexpectedly stolen..."


Chad! My beach experience was the same as yours this week! My friend offered to take me to the beach as I have been unable to drive, but there was a massive sewage leak from Tijuana, which effectively shut down most of the beaches within reasonable driving distance. They of course were awesome and drove an UNreasonable distance to get some sand between our toes, but it’s crazy. The contents of your story, correlated with mine, may have some sinister implications…


One of those dog urban myths reminded me of Douglas Adams recounting what happened to him in a train station with some biscuits. Here's a link to him telling it on Letterman. Skip to 2:50 for the story. https://youtu.be/SF2fZ2iOXhk


Your conversation about tasks having or not having purpose, and the importance of them not, puts you in good company. 2000+ years ago in China this was a subject of much philosophical debate that had already been going on for centuries. I won't begin to do the debate justice, but it more or less boils down to the perspective of Confucius, that everyone had a place and purpose in society and it was their duty to perform it, and the early Taoists such as Chuang Tzu, who often sang the praises of deliberately being useless in order to deter powerful people finding something for you to do that furthered their ends but would almost certainly be bad news for you in the long run. I've heard it said Confucianism was seen as suiting a young person's perspective as they look for a role in society, while Taoism is more suited to older people who may see futility in working for a lifetime and not being any happier for it. A final thought on this, I always think of ice sculpture as an example of what Chad described in improv. The artist chooses a medium that's not only a nightmare to work with, it can't even survive in the environment it's being created for! There's something about the beauty of impermanence I guess.


Wonderful stuff, my Golden Ghouls! For a short and absolutely delightful tale built around urban legends, may I direct your attention to The Truth and the episode "The One About The Dead Dog". I think you'll enjoy the heck out of it. https://soundcloud.com/jonathan-mitchell-1/the-one-about-the-dead-dog

Ben Gilbert

Enjoy your time off.


Urban Legends are pretty powerful things. I remember a friend of mine telling me about a notorious road near where we lived, Shop Lane, and it’s gruesome past just after a taxi driver was lured there and murdered over a drug debt. He told me about a couple whose car broke down there and he went off to get help leaving her in the car (it’s hardly miles from anywhere so why he’d leave her in the car I never know). She waited for him and there was the old banging on the roof. Yeah that old one, the escaped lunatic banging the BF’s head on the car. He was most insistent it happened and called his mum in…who corroborated the story. They even had a newspaper clipping of it somewhere…it’s just been misplaced at the moment…