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I hear that Two-Handed Sword and Teeth is opening the Gobi Stage at Cochella next year.


Thinking back on Black Hole, I seem to recall it as “kinda sorta 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea but in space and a lady who can psychically talk to robots”.


I... was not expecting to hear my handle said so often. Gotta admit, serious ego boost. Also, the name keaton now sounds like gibberish after being repeated.


Oh man, can't we just all go out for tacos together?


That'd be the neural inhibition. Your brain was worried you might be on the verge of a stroke, so it shut off the neuron that recognizes what "Keaton" means for a bit to be safe.


Well! I wasn't expecting either of you gents to have a connection to The Collector. Oh, for anyone interested in watching it, it's on the free streaming service Tubi. It's likely only on the US version, but still. Be wary of the gore, though, if that can be a problem for you.


You guys better not have just Bradbury'd Moorcock.


The Black Hole is worth a rewatch. To be clear: It's pretty damn bad. But there are some good ideas in there. If you roll your eyes too often, you might miss them.


A friend of mine caught COVID last year and said: "still not as bad as Rise of Skywalker." That's how much he hates it.


I can't even remember the actual Rise of Skywalker anymore since re-watching far too many times various fan edits on Youtube which along with SC 38 reimagined fight between Vader and Obi Wan have pretty much rewrtten all memories good and bad about much of the whole movie series. Is this a new type of Mandela effect; the Mandorianing?


I'm not sure if the "No Star Trek since Enterprise" comments were a bit or not. Between the 3 seasons of Discovery, one of Picard and one of Lower Decks, there is a lot of new Trek. With more coming, including the highly anticipated Captain Pike on the Enterprise series starting soon and new seasons of the other three coming this year. Admittedly you need to subscribe to Paramount+ to legitimately see them, but new Trek is there, and its good (Lower Decks is brilliant).


Rise of Skywalker was three movies and a pitch for a Disney+ show that didn’t get picked up smashed into one movie. J.J. needs to open his damn mystery box so he can learn about disappointment or something.

Darth Pseudonym

It's actually The Tempest in space, for what it's worth, with bits stolen from both Star Wars and 2001. Of course, The Forbidden Planet is *also* The Tempest in space, so there's already a superior version of its own genre crossover. Maximillian is the Caliban of the story.


He's an excellent writer, he just needs to burn it so he can maintain his oath. I feel like it bottlenecks his creative process.

Tomas Rawlings

Great show. I think you guys watching The Black Hole would be great bonus content?


On the Black Hole, wasn't she called a psychic in the movie? I don't recall her being a cyborg.


I count the Orville as a successor to Trek, too. It's a love letter to the franchise by someone who also loves dick jokes.


If you are going to do Elric, do his canonical first story “The Dreaming City”. Its short and sets up what he’s about as an anti-hero pretty quickly.

Mike Nusbaum

Chad Fafhrd, where are the photos of this brave warrior with a two-handed sword betwixt his teeth? Yeah, and Moorcock isn't dead. WTF Lackey? Are you trying to kill him? What insidious evil are you two brewing up? You've already killed one great author. Now you've set your evil sights on another? Stop killing the worlds great writers you terrible hacks.

Ben Gilbert

Ursula LeGuin passed away a couple of years ago You should do something with her work. One that would fit right in with the podcast is her werewolf tale, “The Wife’s Story”.


If you guys ever do a fantasy month again (or, I guess, dedicate a month to a book because what I’m going to recommend is kinda long) you should totally do a wizard of earth sea by Ursula K LeGuin. She died not too long ago (broke my heart, one of the first famous people, along with Carrie Fischer, that genuinely made me super sad to lose) so she’s fair game, and it’s a pretty incredible, quintessential fantasy novel. Had a terrible movie adaptation that almost made Studio Ghibli’s Miyazaki disown his son, which could make for some great bonus content if you guys enjoy the story. You could also do the Dispossessed if you feel like more sociopolitical commentary after your coverage of Candide.


Wish I would have seen this before I commented 😅. Wholeheartedly agree haha.

Jason Thompson

Man, I was torn about the ending of “Black God’s Kiss”! It’s kind of stupid when you first think about it… BUT I’ve actually *had* the experience where I really hated some person and then realized “oh wait, I’m also in love with them”. It’s insane but it really happens! But I can also see it’s pretty triggering and depressing from a woman-falling-for-a-man-this-way perspective. Anyway what I’m saying is: for myself it worked, in a gross way


I know this is has nothing to do with the episode. But I really want Andrew Leman to narrate an audiobook of bedtime stories. His luscious voice helps me sleep when my insomnia acts up. #andrewlemanbedtimestories Haha


Michael Moorcock is a bearded giant of Alan Moore proportions so killing him might pose a challenge. It'd be like fighting Chewbacca.


I completely agree with al the Le Guin recommendations, but I'd still love to hear you guys tackle Left Hand of Darkness more for nostalgia' sake, than anything else as that was the first serious scifi I recall reading as a teen (that wasn't one of the traditional 3 great men - Asimov, Clarke, Bradbury) though I was enormously annoyed by the "Winner of Young Readers" award emblazoned on the cover. I guess I was worried somebody would bully me more for that then the paperbacks with half naked Conan's and whatnot I usually had my nose buried in.


Hey guys, this isn’t related to the discussion but seemed as good an episode as any to mention it. I introduced my younger brother and his friend’s group to your show, and they’ve been listening to the feed, (the free episodes at the moment), but it’s inspired them to start writing fiction! They send it to me when they complete it, since they know I enjoy reading and writing it, and ask for advice. It’s always horrible but so is my own, so I offer what I can, but above all I give encouragement. The show has helped them really start to look at what they read alittle closer than the surface, and I think that’s fantastic. Not sure what you set out to accomplish in the beginning, but just know you’re helping some of Gen Z get into this weird fiction!


On an unrelately related tangent, I threw out an HP Podcraft reference during an HVAC math workshop and one of my students, amazingly, got it.


What episode was about Alien and the Nostromos?