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We're reading your comments from September - spin it up!

Here's that Weekend at Bernie's article we discussed.

And another 80s movie that is a true horror classic: Mannequin 



A good Stephen King story to tackle would be Jerusalem's Lot (not to be confused with 'Salem's Lot). It is very Lovecraftian, and I believe references Mysteries of the Worm. And my bad puns got on the comments show! :D


If we're going with Lovecraftian tales that Stephen wrote, I'd say the absolute King (pun intended) is "1408." I also have a special place in my heart for "I Am The Doorway." Oh, and "Crouch End" is a great one that's actually *in* the Mythos.


Well, this is a disappointment. I completely misread the title and was expecting you gents to start workshopping a Carmilla/Charles Dexter Ward crossover.


Also, since you seemed confused, I called you both cowards under the Resurrected bonus episode because it had been caused by my posting "Cover The Resurrected in a bonus episode you COWARDS."


I switched off Bright at "Elf lives matter". Or whatever it was he said when he hit the fairy with a baseball bat.


Shadowrun is the best rpg setting ever. Fight me!

Darth Pseudonym

Sorry, we can't cover Stephen King stories because he's still alive. Nothing we can do, that's the rules. Now if something were to *happen* to him, well, then we could talk about him. If he were to have a terrible accident that was clearly just a random happenstance, we might cover one of his stories next month. Too bad there's no chance of that happening...

Jason Thompson

Since y’all both like Little Shop of Horrors, is John Collier’s short story “Green Thoughts” on your list? Killer plant month!!!


I know it probably won't be an acceptable loophole, but Richard Bachman is dead according to King, so that would allow Thinner and Running Man among others and one of my favorites, The Dark Half. Technically, Misery could be allowed too as King had planned for it to be a Bachman book.


Not on topic but does anyone think Robert Eggers should direct an HPL adaptation?


Important News Flash: http://www.unexplainedpodcast.com/episodes/2016/3/30/episode-5-extra-what-hides-beneath


Probably yeah. Or at least Lovecraftian if not a direct adaptation. On a related note I saw the Richard Stanley adaptation of Colour Out of Space at the Horrorthon in Dublin a couple of weeks ago and was very into it. though I suspect its a love it or hate it movie.


Unfortunately this has been proven impossible https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1691452


Unrelatedly: Hey, thanks for this podcast, you guys. I've just discovered that my crazy adjunct schedule for next semester is going to have double the driving I'd hoped, which is a suitable occasion to note that it's this and "Rachel Watches Star Trek" and a smattering of other podcasts that keep me relatively sane and awake in my car as I creep slowly along the clogged highways of haunted New England.


Blochtober is great, but I'm really a fan of doing Bradbury in October.