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And that's a wrap on August! Thanks everybody for your kind thoughts and wise words!



During the Necronomicon I spent more than a little time in those poor over worked elevators at the Graduate. With only one exception, my every interaction was great, no elevator people in sight! The exception wasn't necessarily bad, only a surprise. A gentleman hopped in the elevator at the mezzanine with an arm full of swag and a parfait. We were all cruising up to the 17th floor when around floor 4 he gasped "Oh, I forgot my spoon!" With a guttural, gurgling howl he suddenly began mashing every button on the panel exclaiming "I just need this thing to stop!" We halted on floor 7 where he dove out in a panic. I hope he found that spoon...


In light of the discussion of the “privates gone a-wall”, it’s probably for the best that we only get audio of you guys.


It was great to meet you guys in Providence; you’re both as charming and sexy as I had imagined, which is to say marginally so. Joking aside(you’re both complete studs, obviously), I lost my shit when I saw Chad’s werewolf on the moon shirt. It was like meeting Dean for the first time. You guys were my introduction to all things Lovecraft and I couldn’t be more grateful to you both. Cheers Boon Companions!


Speaking of being careful what you say, Chad, you should be careful how close certain terms are when you speak. When "batwing" appears near "nude," it means some VERY different.


You mean all those times Batman was flying around in his airplane, he was nude? :O


Talking to people in lifts is seen as a bit weird in England. I know, I've tried.


THPLLP is a thing of joy, here's to many more decades from Chris and Chad.


A better man would not comment so as to avoid the pale and predictable imitation of Inception. I am not, as you have no doubt already surmised, a better man. Zing! I Nolan you! I DiCaprio my way through your dreamscape, babes! I am one with JGL! What is that behind the Tom Hardy mask? Is it Ellen Page? Is it an aged-makeuped Ken Watanabe? No, my pretties, it is I! I am he who incepts you with commends on comments on comments on comments on- I can't commit to the bit. Uncle.


What CoC scenario features Mr. Shiny the shoggoth lord? The shoggoths shoved into a human shaped suit is such a gross and cool idea.


According to the handy Cthulhu Mythos Encyclopedia, 3rd Ed., you're looking for a scenario titled "Where a God Shall Tread" by Aniolowski, Isinwyll, and Hike.


Chris - I sympathized as you confirmed what "ROFL" meant. I too am old. (Don't feel bad for getting ROFL wrong). This handy list of what the kids are texting may help: BRB = Byakee? Really bad! LOL = LOVEcraft Or loveCRAFT? SMH = So Many Hybrids TBH = Tentacled Beast! Hide! STFU = Salts That Foment Undead YOLO = Yoggoth Occupants Love Occipitals IDC = Is Dunwich Cool? TFW = Totally Fhtagn Wgah'nagl ROFL = R'Lyeh Or Fuddruckers Later?

Andrew M. Reichart

I was at your NecronomiCon party but I was pretty wiped out, so I barely spoke to either of you. Chris, thanks for mentioning that you wished you coulda spoken more to all of us. And Chad, thanks for mentioning your drunkenness; that was my favorite aspect of our brief conversation.


Woo! Shout out to Agent Dale Cooper. He is one of my favorite characters and a good role model when I'm trying to think about being kinder not only to others but also myself. "Every day, once a day, give yourself a present." Turns out, I drink a lot of good coffee. Also - Twin Peaks might be an interesting topic show?


Consider my “way back when, in highschool” to be highly subjective- there was a college education and a decade of gainful employment between then and now. It feels like a long time when you live it! I remember that computer lab assignment being less “here’s a set of critical thinking skills that will serve you well going forward” and more “for the love of god, please stop turning in reports that cite Wikipedia as the only source”.


I liked this mention too. Dale Cooper is my spirtit animal( Leslie Knope a close second Tom Waits distant third end of list). When people ask me why I listen to people who are cruel to me instead of bitting back I talk about that same scene in Twin Peaks. We gotta keep trying, and no matter what I do with my life at the end of the road I’ll wish I’d done more, been smarter, be more careful. And that’s good.


Would you guys ever consider going on tour so those of us who didn’t make necronomicon can party with you?


When I get into an elevator, I stand facing the people already in there and smile.


I was lucky enough to meet you guys twice at Necronomicon this year, first at Murphy's Bar before the podcast (where after two beers my girlfriend shamed me enough to come introduce myself. We chatted about the pleasures of modern air travel), and then again at the anniversary party. It was great meeting you in person, as you are both as genial and good-natured as you appear on the podcast. And Chad, thanks for signing my boobs.