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Join us as we cover C.M. Eddy's The Ghost-Eater - featuring revisions by Lovecraft - LIVE from NecronomiCon Providence!

Special thanks to Kenneth Hite, Andrew Leman and musical guest Lyle Erickson!


Andrew M. Reichart

I'm sad that none of you brought up my ghost-of-a-werewolf housed in transforming-robot werewolf body. 😭🤣


Just wanted to convey my thanks and plaudits, as both a fan and a father. Listening to your podcast with me in the car has blessed/cursed my younger son with a fondness for Lovecraft and weird fiction. You're one of the reasons we made the pilgrimage from the Twin Cities to NecronomiCon this year, and we even dropped the Minnesota nice thing in order to snag front-row seats for this show. Congratulations on the podcast's 10th Anniversary, and warm, weird wishes for another decade of dark and delightful discussions!


Is it as fun to sandbag Chris as it sounds, Chad?


Today is my last day as a librarian (due to budget cuts - It's ok, I have another job in a much more lucrative, if much less rewarding field) and your digression about the awesomeness of libraries made me smile. I also spent many hours at the Denver Public Library when I was a kid and can confirm that the drinking fountain is the coldest in the world. Thanks for the library appreciation!


What a fun time this was to attend live. I went down with my best friend and thoroughly enjoyed it. About three weeks ago I assigned him homework: listen to the first 100 episodes of the podcast. He listened to the first and said he wasn't sure about it. Since attending, he is on episode 30 and absolutely loving it. The best part is that he assumed Chris was the zany one and Chad was the one who reigned in the gang when they got off task after having seen the live show. Since listening to the podcast he noted that it is quite the opposite. It has truly been a joy to listen to ten years of the podcast and witness the tremendous growth the two of you have made.

Kit Ainslie

What if we are all were-ghosts, but we only transform once?


So glad for the opportunity to attend in any capacity. Unfortunately, you assembled a tremendously talented group to take on a, well, I guess an immersive Sleep No More knock-off. Honestly, the story should have ended with something like: "And that's how I started selling tickets to the ghost-eating werewolf show. Yup, drop me a couple of quarters and you, too, can spend the night watching stormy, hot hot hot werewolf on ghost action in total safety."


Hot werewolf-on-ghost action is knot something you get to see every day.


Thank you for 10 years, and thank you for the great conversation (and free drink Lackey). Aaaaand most importantly, thank you for making me feel welcome, even when I approached and maybe not so good moments. You guys are great and are well loved.


OooOOOOoooooOooooh- throwin' shade at Joshi! Ten more years!


I've listened all the way through the podcast more than once yet I have never really picked up on the Ken/Joshi rivalry. More than once I heard it during the Con!


I can support Lackey's theory that the bearded man in the Ghost Eater was IN Foriegner. I believe in the annotated version, when they narrator looked upon the bearded man, he had "Double-Vision"!


Hi Chad and Chris. It was really great meeting you at the 10th Anniversary Party! I was very moved by your kind words, thank you. I also have a comment on this show. At the live podcast recording you mentioned that there is no one great werewolf novel. While I am inclined to agree with you there might be one that at least comes close, and that is Alexandre Dumas's The Wolf Leader from 1857. It is a story worth considering covering on the show. You can find a review here: http://www.cadytech.com/dumas/work.php?key=244.


This - story - was - silly - but - thank you - for - including - FIVE- foreigner - references!!!


What do you think Lovecraft's best 19 minute drum solo is? Did that phrase bring a particular story or excerpt to mind for anyone? I thought of The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath, one of my favorites, and wondered what his other readers might think of. Thank you Chad and Chris and all the friends and supporters of the podcast, and congratulations on 10 years! I hope we get 10 more.


Glad you added the baby in post. It was nifty meeting Chad at the 10-year party (in the company of a mutual friend from his college days and my CoC gaming group). I didn't get a chance to meet or interact with Chris at all during the weekend, sadly, although I hope my girlfriend's instructions the night before have enabled him to add LCARS to his iPhone.


One of the audience members in the Q&A went through a convoluted set-up to add a sixth. (Not me; I wouldn't have addressed Chris as "you in the sweater vest," but I did put in a few more in a comment on the Facebook page the other day.)


I loved meeting you two at the 10th anniversary party! I noticed that, true to character, Chris was drinking White Russians and Chad was drinking local beer - hahahah city mouse and country mouse! I love you guys and look forward to several more years of weird fiction zaniness. God bless my daughter Char who, in a moment of college dorm solitude, chanced upon your podcast seven years ago and shared it with me. I've listened to you in Afghanistan, in Germany, and now outside Washington DC. Don't know which location is the weirdest... or most fictional. I'll be looking for you next wherever I go. One thing is certain - I'm booking August 2021 for Providence. Fthagn baby.