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Airdate: 4/12/2018

It is too late! You are already here and must listen to us talk about The Charnel God by Clark Ashton Smith!

Special thanks to reader Jeff C. Carter! Buy his new novel – Criterion – and learn the fate of the Cadets!

Next week: more CAS with The Testament of Athammaus!



more Zothique is definitely called for <a href="http://www.eldritchdark.com/writings/poetry/666/zothique" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.eldritchdark.com/writings/poetry/666/zothique</a>


Anybody remember this ghoul scene from "The Monster Club?" <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMe0d4cMcy0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMe0d4cMcy0</a>


I love the Zothique. More CAS please!


100% in agreement, more Clark Ashton Smith! These stories are awesome and the episodes are killer.


Hell yes—easily one of the creepiest scenes of all time. It actually reminds me of that one story Chad and Chris covered about the ghoul child.


I would start going back to the mall if there was a Zothique there! I guess I will have to be happy with Dagon's Cave. I go there to kill someone, but I stay for the bottomless shrimp! :)


Ghouls are cool, but they aren't completely benevolent. In Pickman's Model Pickman's paintings show ghouls kidnapping and switching children with humans, which the human parents probably would object to. The painting entitled "Subway Accident" shows ghouls attacking humans on the subway platform, maybe when they get hungry and their are no corpses around they have to make some corpses themselves. I also get the feeling that the reason the painting was called "Subway Accident" was because that was what the newspapers reported when a bunch of people went missing, but Pickman is showing what really happened. In this story they did ally with a Necromancer who was causing extra deaths which they did benefit from. The ghouls show good restraint in not killing people themselves to add more dead bodies for Mordiggian's table, but they are getting extra bodies in a sneaky round about way by, in effect, hiring a third party to add a degree of separation between their spotless reputation and the crimes they are facilitating.