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Airdate: 2/15/2018

The Stars Are Right! Join us as we finish Nightfall by science fiction legend Isaac Asimov!

Special thanks to reader Andrew Leman.

Also thanks to Dave Machin for suggesting this story!

Next week: Space-Time for Springers by Fritz Leiber



Hi! New Patron, and I'm working my back through the stories and got to this one today. I had heard it before and remembered that it was actually made into a radio drama for the old radio Show, X- Minus One. It's worth a listen if you have the time.


Finally caught up with all the old eps. This story always bugged me because if the eclipse was like 4 hours long, wouldn’t some large portion of the Nyctophobes just sleep through it? A world repopulated by swing shift workers sounds doable.


I know this is three-years ago, but I'm guessing it's the burning of major structures that would prevent anyone who was sleeping at the time from rebuilding society. Having half of the world's population go nuts would probably doom humanity.