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Airdate: 9/28/2017

Join us on our weird journey concluding The White People by Arthur Machen!

THANK YOU Heather Klinke and Andrew Leman for reading!

Next week – aROOOOOOOO!!!!! We’re taking on The Werewolf of Paris by Guy Endore!


Ben Atkinson

This story messed me up. I don't know why but I found it so disturbing. Perhaps the elements of the corruption of youth. The young girl seems to take joy in her own corruption and it just seemed too real to me. Much like when children are groomed by predators and don't really understand what is happening to them... Ughh. So awful.


It's my opinion that the statue is a statue of Pan or a herm.

Penny Nicoles

I really loved this one. I always wanted to discover random magical things in the forest when I was a girl, so it sort of spoke to that part of me. Though the stuff I had wanted to see were sweet little fairies and mermaids and handsome gentlemen who would fall in love with me. The White People definitely speaks to a more sinister possibility! :D


One thing that you didn't cover, which was maybe not worth covering in a HPL POV, is the tragedy of the absent parents. The little girl's mother died and so she was raised by someone else. Perhaps the nursemaid did away with the mother so she could in effect become the child's mother figure. Maybe the nursemaid was unable to have a daughter of her own, but she wanted to pass down her witch knowledge and traditions. It just think it is strange that the little girl's mother did not die in childbirth which was more common back then, but suddenly died and soon after the girl starts being taught things by the nursemaid. Then there is the father. Absent not by death, but by inattention. He might have saved the girl's life if he had played a more active role in her life. Had he been more of an influence in her life than the nursemaid then the girl's life might have gone in a different direction. One interpretation could be that this is a story of poor parenting where a impressionable young girl is led astray by a bad influence and unfortunately overdoses on unhealthy substances and dies. Or maybe I am over rationalizing the story because the other alternatives are too disturbing. (This story gave me chills...)


This episode is a few years old, but I thought I’d point anyone who sees this to The Twisted Ones by T Kingfisher, which is essentially a modern day sequel in backwoods North Carolina, and very scary