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Happy New Year + HPPODCRAFT Search Functionality

As we close out our first year on Patreon, we want to thank you all for continuing to make the show possible. We’ve got some exciting things planned for 2019, including new original fiction, full readings, groovy guests and a celebration of our 10th year in the ‘casting biz!

In the meantime, we’ve heard your frustrations about finding specific old shows on the site and in your feed.

If you would like to find a show by title, episode number, author or reader, you can now search on hppodcraft.com. When you click on an episode entry, you will see a “Listen on Patreon” link that will take you to the corresponding show on Patreon (or let you know how far to scroll back in the feed).

We will be making many more improvements to our sites in 2019, but worked hard over the holidays to get this new search functionality available ASAP for you sweet creeps. So get into it!

Coming up this week, it’s The Night Wire by H.F. Arnold! For now, we hope you stay safe, stay warm and stake a vampire (producing a much more powerful vampire ghost)!

Yr obt svts-

Chad & Chris
Published: 2018-12
Slight Revisions to Tiers

Hey there! Just wanted to let you know about some very slight revisions we've made to our tiers, listed below. We've gotten A WEE BIT more clever with the titles, but in short:

-We're adding original fiction to the mix on special topics shows. We'll be rolling out a sample original fiction episode for FREE in early February as an example, in addition to this month's special topic on Asperger's Syndrome & Lovecraft's Work (as well as next month's bonus episode on Val Lewton's Cat People movies). Eventually, we'll also be using this space to pilot an expanded show covering not just weird fiction, but classic Fantasy and Sci-Fi!

-We've done a poor job thus far with video chats, but have settled on a format that works. We'll be doing a bimonthly AMA that can be viewed live or later. Viewing link will be provided to patrons at the Avatar level. SO GET THOSE QUESTIONS IN! You can write here or @hppodcraft on Twitter.

-We've expanded the Elder Thing level so that subscribers can either select a special topic OR a specific story for us to cover. We'll work with your suggestions to develop a kick-ass show.

Thanks again for being part of the team! New show will be out today on BEYOND THE DOOR!

Chad & Chris
Published: 2019-01
This month, our bonus content will be another episode of STRATEGIES! What's that, you say? Why here's the first episode from last year, FREE! #nakeddonaldsutherland

Published: 2019-03
Hi folks!

In case you missed it yesterday on social media, we've set our January bonus episode on Asperger's Syndrome and Lovecraft's work FREE on Patreon in honor of Autism Awareness Day/Month. It's a great interview with our friend Lars Backstrom and we hope you'll give a listen!

This episode is also available on our YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnVlrXDKaJo

New episode out tomorrow - thanks again for being part of the team!

Published: 2019-04
Pre-orders are live for Pitch Black Manor's new album NIGHT CREEPS!

Order the album and get HELLIONS now.

Order a t-shirt or toy and get the whole damn thing a few days early!


Published: 2021-08
Pre-orders are live for NIGHT CREEPS!

Order the album and get HELLIONS now.

Order a t-shirt or toy and get the whole damn thing a few days early!


Published: 2021-08