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What's up EVERYBODY - looking for some fun q's and topics from the whole damn flagrant army

Drop your q's and topics in the comments or link down below:

try and keep em 45 seconds or under for video q's!

- miles 'can do no wrong' media




Do you think the celebrity worship culture will cause a moral disaster in the world?


what is the #1 cuisine?


Jonathan Majors vs Ezra Miller, who you got?


What would the world be like if the poles shifted?


Who’s winning in a beer pong game Andrew and akash vs mark and Alex? Losers have to do a whole pod naked


Poker tournament with everyone in the studio, who’s winning ?so Andrew, akash,Alex,mark, shifty, miles dove, and the other Indian dude forgot his name


Hey Andrew!!! Going to your show in Temecula California and I’m super excited!! Was wondering who’s will be opening and also would you consider doing like a meet and greet that night? Any after parties? 😂


What up Flagrant Army. Can yall talk about this ai generated music. Shit's getting weird out here. They've got Drake and Weeknd on songs they've never even touched and they're bangers. https://youtu.be/_Y0U4hmHt44


Any known doppelgangers of yourselves? I think Andrew really looks like Diego Valdéz from club America. Scores bangers too 🔥


If your life was like the show "Severance", which aspects would you sever yourself from?

Brandon Forgot

Would the Flagrant crew play 5 on 5 basketball against the fans? I think it would be dope for fan engagement and the amount of content from it would be insane. Just a thought.


If you had a daughter and we both know you ain’t having no daughter it’ll be a boy first! But anyway out of everybody on your crew who would be allowed to be with your daughter? Say she a 10 to everybody but to Schulz unless…. Nah that’s crazy, but if you had to atleast have 1 person who would it be


Took a video last weekend in hopes I’d be able to submit it one day! Cheers boys 👌


Y'all need Donnell Rawlings on as a guest.


If one of your close friends got a venous snake bite on his dick, would it be be considered gay to suck it out or would you just be a great friend??


Who out of the flagrant crew would be the first one to transition? Shoutout to Mr. Beast


What's the funniest racism you guys have experienced?


If all the flagrant crew were 16 years old and stuck in the same room with R Kelly, Harvey Weinstein, and Jeffrey Epstein, who do you guys think will get their cheeks clapped first? Shoutout to Chico, CA


For Andrew. After your amazing experience playing/watching “The Last Of Us”, would you consider going through another great video game series, “God Of War” & “God Of War: Ragnarok”? Amazon has picked up the rights for this series.


Since Andrew is probably fiending for a new weekly show, have any of the guys checked out Yellowjackets on Amazon prime? It’s a wild show that the guys may be able to sink their teeth into.


Harshest rejections from girls


Have Theo von on the pod already


If you had to choose, which football (soccer) team would you guys support?


Andrew, Akaash, and Mark together would be the best show for us. Why don’t you all tour together more?


Akaash needs a sleep pod from Hug Sleep. It’s like an adult swaddle. Bet he sleeps through the night with that

naytivlost lastname

you guys gotta have belle delphine on. both for views and shes probably one of the more interesting personalities in that world, I think andrew would love it


You and your girl agree to a threesome and bring in another girl. A few days later you smash the other girl only. Is that considered cheating or fair game?


How are you going lads, I was learning about the blue zones around the world recently and was wondering would you guys move to a blue zone when your like 80 to live that lifestyle as an old person. Orrrr would you rather stay in a city like New York?


Are you gay if you don’t skip a step walking up the stairs?

Lucas Buckley

Andrew why is Charlemagne so mean to Taylor?

Nofel Usman Gani

who is all of your dream guests to have on the pod and why

Lucas Buckley

I got a question for Akaash I know you said you don’t wanna work with Andrew but now that big shultz just announced the arena is there any plans to do that with him ?