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Flagrant Friday, it's back - jump in as we talk about: Thanksgiving and lying, crying and movies, Cowboys & Atheism.

Link for the Moroccans: https://youtu.be/DwmekHe4o0Q


Jonathan Howard

I think a really good movie idea could be based on this thing called rumspringa, it's a tradition where Amish kids get to leave their families and experience the real world. So you could have it set in Pennsylvania, right before spring break, and three friends going on rumspringa travel to new York City, and they all get somehow mixed up in a St Patty's Day parade and have the greatest experience of their life, I think a really funny scene could be they all go to a black barber shop and get awesome hair cuts, the main call to action in the movie or the big question throughout it is, whether or not our three heroes want to return home to live amongst their families or if they want to continue experiencing life in new York. It's a very simple idea so you can take the story wherever you want but it should definitely be called "Rumspringers" a play on the traditional name and the movie title of spring breakers.


🇮🇱🇸🇩 Yo if you want to be flagrant go to Israel and have conversation with a member of the Beitar Jerusalem fan club and a member of the Bnei Sakhnin F.C. And you will have peace in Israel


You should always tell ur kids that we are religous for the good stuff


NYC Movies and TV shows that are original and over looked Money monster Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist The Shirk Next Door Taking of Pelham 123 The Night Of


Schulz is gonna produce a movie that’ll coincide with his show at Madison Square, similar to “Entourage” where they show everything that leads into stardom with that “Uncut Gem” vibe. The day to day in NewYork “Playing the Game”. Except, instead of getting shot in the head, he ends it by opening the curtain walking onto the stage.


Trash ep


You want a story tell the story about a New York comic who can’t have a kid so him and his wife adopt a beautiful baby girl (doesn’t have to be baby) only the adoption agency is giving him grief about his chosen career so him his wife and his band of misfit comedian buddies try to outsmart the system. Aka the agencies….the bad guy in this story isn’t only a person per day but it’s a system that a regular human being has to work within, and of course the hero is that true love of humanity. Plot twist at the end the guilt is an adult and she’s telling the loose truth about her life as a bit on stage as a comedian her self.


What, you guys didn't get patreon for dudebro philosophers and family holiday talk?

Vijay Dugal

Great movie would be attending a bachelor party of one of the comics. That hasn’t been done before

Vijay Dugal

Also there a Netflix show where the guy fakes having cancer so he doesn’t get fired. Lol miles


I love you guys...hilarious AND full of character and heart.

sean adachi

He muted the name of the restaurant but blasts the email out. Hahaha

Sal Saleh

A movie / series about all of your lives leading up to where you are now. Similar to what they did in Entourage. Show the wins and losses along the way. The risks and sacrifices you all had to take to get to the next level. You all come from different cultures and backgrounds it’s like fate that you all met.