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Flagrant Friday, it's back - jump in as we talk about: Thanksgiving and lying, crying and movies, Cowboys & Atheism.

Link for the Moroccans: https://youtu.be/DwmekHe4o0Q 




Sonia Hoon

girls like funny girlfriends too, its more about keeping the attention


Mark is really too smart/funny for these niggas man! Best BI!! Cmon!! Shultz you gotta catch that!! Salute GAGGER

Jonathan Howard

I think a really good movie idea could be playing on the different cultures in NYC, maybe you have a Catholic boy, a young Jewish boy whose mom is white and dad is black, and a young Muslim man whose Indian, and they have to navigate finding a life partner in NYC, I think it would be really cool if the young Muslim man doesn't really have any success in his findings so instead he goes to his parents and has them arrange a very beautiful wedding, and the young Catholic man could have a life crisis and he goes with both of his friends to their perspective houses of worship and there he finds a beautiful Jewish girl who he falls in love with but it turns out to be the young Jewish man's aunt/extended cousin or something in that manner, and the young Jewish man has to come to grips with the fact he doesn't actually want to be with a Jewish girl and instead wants to travel the world experiencing the single life.


andrew is conflating masculinity with masculine psychopaths.


Movie: A comic has a show tonight in NYC (pick your city) that he's preparing for. Along with the comic, there are certain people that will be in the crowd that the movie focuses on. It showcases their individual unique lifestyles and interesting experiences they have throughout that day (can involve the city/make it personal). The comic's set has jokes that end up touching on one moment/thought/experience each character had that day that meant something to them/was significant (can interweave funny/real shit - walking the line). Think Magnolia/Pulp Fiction for what the closest comparisons would be (playing with timelines/telling each character's story individually but they somehow weave together).

Ali S

Guys how can i send a movie idea on the side. Its creative funny don’t think it was done before. If we can send an email or dm one of you so the idea can stay between us and build on the idea for a movie


NYC movies and TV shows that are over looked Money monster Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist The Shirk Next Door Taking of Pelham 123 The Night Of


Fellas why don’t ya just take Dovs mic away!


Hey Flagrant, Someone should make a mystery flick about this incident: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ariel_School_UFO_incident


An older male serial killer targeting young girls picks up two girls... who are also serial killers targeting older men.


Does it have to be a new york movie?

Emilia Tessaro

Also Newsies- “The World Will Know” about the 1899 NYC newsboys strike. Disney 92. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIgBhHrWTOQ


"Airball" or "Flagrant": A retired journeyman basketball (known for trash talk) player tries stand-up comedy. His material sucks but he realizes that his crowd work is excellent. Becomes notorious for sonning hecklers. Eventually goes through real pain that translates into quality material through guidance from veteran comedians. Starring Blake Griffin.