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My wife said the same thing about Kansas City a couple months ago 😂😂😂


Man Andrew needs to leave Brilliant (Liberal) Idiots. He has outgrown Charlamagne with Flagarant too and outshines BI every week. Last 4 F2 videos views: 1,251,000. Last BI videos views: 518,000. DITCH THE SHOW ANDREW. YOU CANT BE YOURSELF AND WHEN YOU ARE YOURSELF YOU SHINE! This is your time. I understand Charlamagne has helped you grow but you've outgrown him and are now helping your team grow, a great team at that. Aakash killing it and picking up Mark, great potential with him. You know you've been thinking about it!




Flying cars coming soon!


If there's another censored episode imma unsub cause what's the point if your giving the same style content for free


Yeah brilliant idiots is trash imo.. I listened cause drew but I couldn’t stand it after 3 episodes


Just say faggot lol


Yo I love the podcast but why censor Fag and not Retard? You guys are doing great things on this platform and I hope it continues for a long time but God damn if these shows keep getting censored I'll just listen to the regular pod. Love you guys but let's not be hypocritical either say the fucked up shit or don't.


Dont know how to link patreon and discord


Please stop saying luka is from hell, there was no bullets fired on slovenian land during the yugoslavian war, and he was born to a model mother and professional basketball player father 8 years after the war, rich and cosy af


put the Tuesday episode up here too for the patrons to be able to comment on going forward

Jacoby Bell

Bro I fuckin love y’all man! Been watching since day one, but please for the love of everything holy talk about some FUCKING BASKETBALL! Ya damn cucks! Playing with nerf guns and shit!! 🤣🤣 keep it tight man but get it together!!

Jamie Pullthatup

Flagrant wayyyy better than idiots now. I’m so proud of the flagrant team!!!