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First of all, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your subscription!

SUPER IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you sign up in the last week of the month you will be charged that day for your subscription amount. You will also be charged on the 1st day of the following month for the next month's access. Sounds unfair, right? If you have signed up in the last 7 days of the month and I will refund you your first payment. No need to do anything, refunds will go out automatically on the 1st day of the month.

These are the most important things that you need to know about this page: 

1. The best way to find what you are looking for is through this separate navigation website:

2. Most patrons will do what is called a "draw along," or a "paint along." Using the model packs that I provide with each tutorial you can make your own original work or even use the same source image and make a replica of the one in the tutorial.

3. Bookmark my navigation page: https://sbanavigation.com/collections/patreon

On the community page you can share your work for the sake of sharing or you can ask questions or ask for feedback from your peers. You can also start conversations and comment on other posts to start a dialog. You can find it here: https://www.patreon.com/stephenbaumanartwork/community

Thanks again for subscribing!!!

Added: 2023-02