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"Huh, the sun is out..." I wake up peacefully for once. "And I didn't get to see Altera..." In fact I basically didn't dream at all, it was the kind of comforting sleep where you close your eyes, and then suddenly you open them again.

I can't help, but wonder why. Maybe because I didn't sleep much? Or maybe because Altera herself wasn't sleeping...?

And that's when a weird thought hits me.

Next time I sleep, I definitely have to make Altera sleep with me too.

My face immediately bursts with embarrassment, but it can't be helped, I really want to speak with that weirdly gentle Altera again... Well, it isn't like the normal Altera isn't gentle anyways. Both Bigtera and Smalltera will answer when called.

I sigh, and get up before I embarrass myself even further. I should probably find out if something important happened while I was sleeping. Like Meltryllis stabbing my mom, or my mom stabbing Meltryllis.

As I walk towards the door, I can't help, but smile. There is something special about walking through a place actually illuminated by sunlight... I was beginning to feel like some type of nocturnal creature.

Well, there is something... creepy about wandering around this building, since tons of people probably died here, but it's whatever. The real problem is how confusing it is.

Much like with Kiara's shelter, this place was just an apartment complex, which means it's massive. Sadly that also means I have no idea where I'm going, and how I can meet anyone. For all I know everybody is on a very specific room right now.

So I walk for a while, and eventually I stumble upon... "Ah, Artoria." The Dark Saber, who's just standing around motionless in a hall. She looks like an abandoned doll right now, not a knight.

She acknowledges my presence with a light nod. "Hideaki." And then goes back to looking at nothing. Is there something that I don't get going on here...?

I clear my throat to get her attention again. "So... what are you doing?" I should probably ask abour everybody else's whereabouts instead, but in my defense, this is a very weird sight.

She doesn't even bother looking at me this time. "Nothing. I'm waiting for time to pass." That sounds absolutely dumb! Or miserable! Probably both if I'm being honest! I don't think even Altera is like this...

I raise an eyebrow. "Wouldn't you prefer to be doing something fun then? Instead of looking at nothing?" Or at least do something productive. I have a feeling King Arthur needs a hobby.

She shrugs. "I don't particularly care." She looks at me. "And I'm surprised you do. Your world has ended." Is she questioning why I'm willing to laze around in a situation like this? In my defense I just woke up...

I sigh. "The world ended yesterday, so I'm not going to keep moping about it forever." Though I guess I actually moved on fairly quickly. And that's probably a good thing, because I would have probably died otherwise.

She snorts. "I see." And now we are back to zero.

I scratch my cheek. "So where is everyone anyways...?" I should find out where they are and leave Artoria alone. It's clear that she isn't exactly a fan of human company, or at least not a fan of my company.

"Your father left for a mission with Rider... with Medusa. He went to see that woman Kiara." My eyes widen. "Tamamo Aria told him where she should be, so your father should be back relatively soon." I doubt it.

Mostly because I know my dad. There is a high chance Kiara or one of the survivors asks him for something, and he spends hours trying to help them. I don't think he would reject them even in a situation like this one.

"Why didn't Aria go with him though?" I can't help, but be curious. "Or you for that matter?" And also maybe a bit mad. A Servant should protect their Master after all, so why is Saber here wasting time?

Saber frowns, maybe noticing my negativity. "Aria, and all your other servants for that matter, chose to stay relatively close to your side. Your Rider simple refused to leave the apartment complex."

"As for why I did not go with Shirou... It's because I was not ordered too, though it is also the most sound strategic decision. Rider has a mount, if trouble arises she shall run away with him." That makes sense...

Which means I probably came off as a jerk. "Oh, sorry for being rude then." It's not like I said anything rude of course, but my tone was definitely showing my anger. Though I don't know if Saber actually cares about it.

She doesn't even acknowledge my apology after all, instead she keeps talking. "Your mother is cooking breakfast in the apartment her and your father chose as their own." So dad left before mom even made breakfast?

"Your Rider said she had magecraft capabilities, and would be setting defenses around our base." That's a surprisingly nice thing to hear. "The Alter Ego did not divulge what she would doing, and as such your Saber is out monitoring her."

"That should be all, Hideaki Emiya." She goes back to staring at nothing like usual, supposedly so she can wait for time to pass.

Well, now that I obtained some new information, I should just go away. I don't know who I want to see right now, but it's definitely not this dead doll who is quite literally doing nothing.

Right? "Hey Artoria, what are you waiting for anyways?" I'm so dumb.

She raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

I cross my arms. "You said you were passing time by doing nothing, so that means you're waiting for something, right?" It's a bit embarrassing to think, but maybe she's waiting for my dad?

She nods. "I suppose you are correct. I am waiting for the next mission." Hah...? That's reasonable and all, but also really disappointing! So while I do want to talk with Altera right now...

I put a hand on my hip. "We need to get you a hobby or something, like seriously." Seeing her like this is just depressing. I mean, technology has basically died, but we still have things like books...

She frowns. "I do not believe I need a hobby. We are in a combat situation." Not right now! "Besides, your time is limited, is it now? Would you truly wish to spend it with me?" Limited time huh...?

Now that she says it, it's true. I can never truly know when BB will make her next move, so I can never truly know when I'll have to get in the middle of action again. In such circumstances I should probably go spend time with my mother.

But... "I don't mind spending time with you." I'm already invested. "So I will definitely find you a hobby of some kind..." I nod to myself. "Yeah, what you're doing right now is unacceptable." I will make King Arthur a bit more normal! That's a promise!

I think she might have taken my promise as an insult however. "And why should I find a hobby at your order? You are not my Master." She's not wrong...

Just stupid. "You're Master is my dad. You think he's gonna say no if I ask him for a favor?" And this is Shirou Emiya we are talking about. He's gonna be horrified if he finds out Artoria is spending her time like this when he's away.

Artoria looks away. "Your father is a coward who barely has the strength to look at me." Makes sense, he's a married man. "But fine, I suppose you are right. That man would definitely crumble if his child asked something of him." Heh, I'm glad we both agree.

I smile. "Then we're going?" Who knows, I might stumble on another person while I hang around Artoria, so this might fulfill two of my goals. Yeah, I'm definitely not making excused so I can spend time with another petite, beautiful girl.

She doesn't look to happy. "We are." But I'm sure she will change her mind eventually. Hopefully.

I chuckle. "C'mon, it's not like spending time with me is gonna be any worse than staring at a wall right? You were literally doing something more boring than watching paint dry." It feels like I'm interacting with a very grumpy Altera.

A smirk appears on her face. "Spending time with you might be worse." Oof. I really set myself up for that one, so I can't even get mad. Actually I'm sort of happy she finally showed a expression which isn't frowning.

So I actually end up laughing a little. "Well, some say that's still better than apathy." And it seems I shocked her. "So, let's start our legendary search for a hobby worthy of a king... who standard are as low as watching walls." Amazing.

I ignore how she's frowning again. And hey, this time I actually managed to make her blush. "I guess we might as well start with the easy questions... Are you interested in reading?" Books are a pretty popular hobby.

Yeah, I might as well make some common suggestions before we start searching for something weird. Though these common suggestions sadly can't be anything like gaming or movies. Fuck you BB.

Artoria shakes her head. "I'm not particularly interested on them, but I'm not against them either." Well, I'll keep that in mind them, but I would honestly prefer if she started with something she already liked.

So I continue shooting suggestions. "How about..." For a moment I almost say cars, but BB also made that would be a impossible hobby. "A sport of some kind? It doesn't have to be a very active one either." Chess can be pretty fun.

She makes a thinking pose. "Some of them do sound interesting, but they typically require the cooperation of many people, or at least of one. I would need constant company to engage with it." That's a good thing though!

I just had an idea. She could choose the hobby that was always beyond my reach! "How about cooking?" I suppose this one will get harder as the days go by and all, but it still should be doable! I think!

Actually BB might have destroyed stoves... She never really said what was too technological or not to her, but considering she used the Moon Cell to even destroy cars... Honestly it might have been as simple as her attacking the concept of technology.

Well, if my mom is cooking breakfast then I'm certain everything is okay. Actually it might have been a case where my father fixed it up after it was destroyed. It's not like BB would constantly re-destroy things, right?

Saber puts a hand on her hip, but I can see she's excited. "Well, that is a possibility..." She then shakes her head. "No, I would consume the ingredients before the food was done." Oi.

Now that my mind has been thinking about fixing technology though... "Hey Artoria, how do you feel about cars? We could try fixing one." I would need my dad's help of course...

She closes her eyes, deep in thought. "I don't particularly care for them." Ah, another miss... "But I do believe I would enjoy riding a motorcycle again..." Again!? When did you ride one in the first place!?

Whatever, it doesn't matter right now. What matters is that I found a solution to our problems. "Okay then! Let's try fixing a bike when dad has some freetime so you can ride it!" I might also suggest card games as an extra.

She nods. "Very well, that doesn't sound horrible." And then she goes back to staring at the wall. Oi!

Ah, this makes sense though. It's not like I found something that she can do right now after all... In that sense this hobby was just another miss. Ugh, but I can't really think of anything else!

Um...! I have an idea! "Hey Artoria, can we go to your room?" Not for perverted reasons of course. It's just that someone's room can say a lot about a person, so maybe it will give me an idea of what hobby she would like.

If she even had the time... or want to customize her room. This might be another bust, huh.

Artoria smirks. "So you like to use Servants that way? Perv." My face immediately becomes red, I didn't think she would assume something like this! "Well, this is the one request your father will probably deny you."

Ah, she's teasing me, isn't she? Welp, that's progress, in a way, so I chuckle. "It would certainly be a hobby." There are worse ways of spending my possible final days. "That said, I really do think I could come up with better ideas if I saw your room."

She looks away. "I see, but it cannot be done. I do not have a room."

"Hah? Why!?" I doubt mom and dad would be against her picking a room, to be honest I feel like they would support it! Besides privacy is a pretty important thing... Doesn't she want some place where she can have that?

She rolls her eyes. "I just didn't see a need for it. I understand why humans might enjoy one, but I'm not the same." She says that, but I'm a hundred percent sure that all other Servants have probably picked a room at this point.

I hold back a frown. "Since when you weren't a human?" Servants were real people who lived after all. It's not like she's some alien being or whatever, Arthur Pendragon was a real life person... Who somehow became a king even though she's a woman.

She closes her her eyes. "I'm not a human, I'm a..." Let me guess, a tool? That's the Altera brand answer at least. "A dragon. I don't need hobbies, I don't need rooms. You point me at an enemy and I shall destroy him, I enjoy that life. So stop wasting your precious time, Hideaki Emiya." I...

Didn't expect an answer like that, but it doesn't matter. I hold her by the shoulders, and get closer. "Dumbass, even dragons have their little caves, and enjoy collecting gold and princesses. They don't spend all day spacing out and killing knights." Also, she's not actually a dragon.

She glares at me. "Your perception of dragons are very different of mine. They are not collectors, they are beasts of destruction, the strongest, without needing to understand feelings they simply crush everything in their path for they are carnage inc-." Yeah, yeah.

I'm shutting her chuuni delusions up. "Whatever you say scaly, there's no conventions up right now, so stop worrying about your roleplay." She gets so confused that she stops looking angry. "So let's pick a room for you."

I essentially begin dragging her along, and she doesn't protest... using words at least. It's a funny sight, a teenager dragging a pouting gothic lolita around, looking for a room.

Of course, there are tons of places I could pick for her, but I'm not a fool who wastes an opportunity. If I'm choosing, then she'll living right next to me...! I might lack the courage to say she should live in the same apartment as me however.

Once we reach our destination I stop. "This is it! Your apartment!" Unless it looks really bad. If that happens then I will pick another one for her... who's still close to mine of course. I repeat, I am no fool.

Artoria tilts her head. "Why this one...?" As she talks I open the door, and see that the apartment is fine. A bit generic maybe, but it will be up for her to customize it.

I chuckle. "Because I live next door of course, so we can help each other if needed." That's a weak excuse. I just want easy access to a petite, beautiful woman! Ah, I might be getting a bit too comfortable...

Artoria blushes as she enters... "I see..." And then she looks around, and slowly her face returns to her legendary resting bitch face. "However, I do not like this one. Let's look for another." I'm just glad she accepted she's getting one in the first place.

But I should probably learn why this one didn't get a passing grade. "Why? Is there something wrong with this one?" It seems fine. The only wrong thing here is how we are appropriating the home of a dead person, but whatever.

She nods. "Yes, it's dirty. I'm surprised you didn't notice, considering who your parents are." It really isn't... the people who died here must have been outside when the attack happened. However, I get it, dad raised your standards.

I start looking around the apartment. "Then let's clean it. I'm certain that they have brooms and stuff around here." It's a easy fix! And it will certainly waste that time she so badly wanted wasted.

I find some brooms pretty easily, and then I toss one to her, but she simply raises an eyebrow. "I'm a king. You expect me to clean...?"

"I thought you were a dragon?" Artoria simply blushes and starts to clean up.

I can't help, but notice that she's actually smiling while doing so. I guess a weird hobby was the solution after all.


"Thanks for the food, mom." After my little adventure with Artoria, I asked her for directions to my mother's apartment. I ended up showing up just as she was finishing breakfast.

Sakura waves me off. "No need to thank me... Are you sure you're feeling okay Hide? You gave me a big scare when you passed out." She sounds super worried, which might just have become her normal mode.

But now it's my turn to wave her off. "I'm fine, and I didn't pass out, I just went to sleep... I can't deny I was tired, but that's it." And now I feel good enough to help a king clean an apartment! Even though she kicked me out midway through...

Sakura pouts. "Ah, what's with you and always refusing to show weakness... Must have gotten it from your father." She looks at a window, she's probably worried about him not having made his return yet.

I smile, knowing exactly what she's thinking. "He's fine, don't worry. Auntie Rider can be pretty unreliable, but dad picks up the slack. Besides, Kiara seemed nice." And her Servant is weak, not a threat whatsoever.

Though I don't know how to feel about my father having a conversation with Andersen...

She sighs. "I suppose you're right..." And then she smirks. "But I'm telling Rider you have been bullying her." I smirk in response. How could I resist bullying the legendary jobless Gorgon!?

But that aside... "By the way mom, has everything been going well with the Servants...? I talked with Artoria, but I haven't seen anyone else yet." I can feel our connection though.

Mom smiles. "Everything seems to be going fine... Your Rider has even started to set bounded fields." Just like Artoria said huh... "Oh, and what's your relationship with her?" Hah?

"Actually what's your relationship with your Saber as well? She stood just watching your for an entire hour..." She cups her cheeks, giggling to herself. "My son is so popular...!" Are you really talking about this during the apocalypse!?

She suddenly grimaces. "Maybe too popular even..." I can imagine who she's thinking about. "Hide... to be honest I don't trust that Meltryllis girl, so please keep your guard up when around her."

I had a feeling this topic would come up eventually. "Mom-." But I get interrupted before I can even start.

Mostly because the door to the apartment essentially gets kicked open. It's so sudden that I almost call a Servant with a Command Seal, thankfully stopping myself before it's too late.

Because what enters is no enemy, it's Artoria. "Hideaki, I have made a decision!" Except this is not the Artoria I knew, right now she's radiating far more authority than she has ever had in the past.

It's funny, that her king self decided to come out right now, because... "I am now your personal maid! I will hear no objections!" Because she's wearing clothes fit for a maid. At least the type of maid who shows up in pornography.

Mother covers her mouth. "Definitely too popular...!"


AN: Hideaki decided to use one of his limited time slots on a Artoria bond event, and ended up unlocking a secret skin! And also the Artoria route of course. Maid Seibah is here!

Shirou might have a heart attack.


Infinite Daze

Oh no. CCC horniness is infectious and Hide is patient zero.