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"So... where should we start?" After our little reunion, we finally sit to discuss about the current situation. Or more accurately, so we can share information.

There is a tense feeling on the room, as everyone besides me is collectively staring at Meltryllis. And the ballerina doesn't even seem to care, simply standing still with a smug grin on her face.

However... she's also staring back at my mother, and now knowing what I know about Meltryllis, I can't help but wonder what's going on through her head right now. Is she secretly hating being here? It's quite possible.

My father clears his throat. "Well... before anything we should probably-." But then get interrupted by my mother.

Her expression is clouded with worry. "W-we don't have to talk about anything if you're feeling tired right now Hide...! Y-you can just go to sleep and rest." Ah, I suppose I should have expected something like this.

I wave her off. "I'm feeling just fine, don't worry 'bout it." Maybe I would be super tired if I didn't have the ring, but it has been basically taking care of any and all energy problems. "Besides, we don't have time to waste. We can never know when BB is gonna spring up her next... erm... event."

But that doesn't seem to calm down my mother at all. "You shouldn't even be thinking about that person...!" She clenches her fists. "Just let us handle it all, okay?" She's trying to keep a calm tone, but I know my mother, she's pissed off.

And because the universe despises me, this is the moment Meltryllis decides she really wants to sit on my lap, giggling while doing so, she throws herself at me sideways, using her arms to hold on to my neck.

I'm paralyzed, so I can't even talk as Meltryllis begins mocking my family. "Well, I would rather have the winner of the Holy Grail War solving this than... you." Almost as if remembering that she's about to insult my mother, Meltryllis stops herself.

Mother grits her teeth. "And who are you an-!" This time however, she's the one who gets cutoff.

Mostly because Father essentially jumps out from his seat. "What do you mean winner of the Holy Grail War!?" And it seems Mother finally processed what Meltryllis said, because she has been shocked into silence.

And she's not the only one, everyone seems shocked by this revelation... with one exception, Altera. "Oh. So this is why he has the ring." My cute little Saber, please remember people are rarely on the same wavelength as you and elaborate!

Meltryllis nods. "You catch on quick... Do stop glaring at me however, it's only natural I would be like this with my boyfriend." Ah, now that she says it, I do notice that Altera is looking pretty mad right now.

Mother covers her mouth. "Boyfriend!?" She sounds terrified.

Father however, chuckles awkwardly, as if he just heard a bad joke but was trying to be polite. "Boyfriend huh..." And then he realizes it wasn't a joke and does the same thing Mother did. "Boyfriend!?" I might die soon.

Medusa sighs. "It's... Look away, Sakura." Please don't terrify them even more! You know that there is more to this story...! Actually you are still probably as confused as them, aren't you?

Altera's eye twitches. "I have no problem with you sitting upon my Master's lap." She clearly does. "I do have a problem about you being an enemy. Master, should I eliminate her?" She's definitely not an enemy anymore!

I shake my head. "You definitely shouldn't!" I would like to stay silent in this situation, but if I do Altera might genuinely attack Meltryllis. I suppose this is the price one must pay for contracting so many Servants.

And speaking of troublesome Servants, Aria puts her hands on her hips. "For once you shouldn't listen to Master." She smiles brightly. "Kill her, Saber." You weren't against her joining during the fight...

Saber sighs. "No, I must not disobey Hideaki's orders." Why are you acting like I ordered you to massacre a village of innocent people or something like that?

Arthur's eye twitches, she's mad now. "Enough with this... romantic comedy." She motions to Meltryllis. "You, fake Sakura, tell us what you meant. Even Shirou's child looks confused by it..." Yeah, though this isn't the first time I heard of it.

Last time I asked her about it, she essentially blew me off and said I should go to meet my parents before, so now I'm worrying she will do the same thing. I can't exactly control her after all.

But Meltryllis just pouts. "I'm not saying unless Aki asks me." Eh? "It's not like I need to follow your orders, loser weakling." I should have expected something like this from the prideful Alter Ego.

Arthur's sword appears on her hands. It should be Excalibur, but... there's no way that's a holy sword. "You are not the juggernaut you once were, remember that Fake Sakura." Are you really gonna start calling her that?

Meltryllis giggles. "Indeed... as I am right now, I'm a poor guardian for my beloved. Perhaps I should start grinding levels? There is a ton of exp pretty close to me..." I know you wanna sound threatening, but with the video game speech you just sound funny.

I pat her head, much to the horror of my parents. "Please explain the Holy Grail War thing already..." I already had to save her from Arthur once, I don't wanna do it again. Seriously.

Meltryllis blushes. "Well, if you're asking then I really have no choice, do I?" She clears her throat. "What I'm talking about is simple, you won the Moon Cell Holy Grail War. That's all." But...!

I gasp. "I never even participated on the goddamn thing! It got cancelled! I just... I just subscribed to it." I always assumed it was because of BB or whatever. Now I apparently won!?

That comment seemed to have broken my father out of his shock. "What do you mean you subscribed to it!?" His shout goes ignored, as I am too busy seeking answers.

But with Father returning to reality, so does Mother. Except... maybe not. "Get out of my son's lap... Get out of my son's lap..." Her comment too goes ignored, as I am too busy being sane.

Meltryllis rolls her eyes. "Aki, did you actually believe that? It was just BB lying to not raise an alarm. The truth is that the Grail War happened, and you won." That's...! Well, it doesn't surprise me that I won, but still...

She continues. "You summoned some piss poor servant... Tamamo-No-Mae, that Tamamo-No-Mae." Immediately my mind goes to Aria, and the Rider gasps. "Don't ask me how you won, but you did."

"As such you should have been granted a wish, but BB hijacked the Moon Cell before it... There is however, a... resistance cell back in the Far Side of the Moon. They must have sent you the Regalia somehow, the Regalia being a symbol of the authority granted to the winner of the Holy Grail War."

"With it, you should essentially have control over the Moon Cell... but it seems pretty limited right now, probably because BB is stealing the spotlight so to speak." Wow, that was... a lot.

Shirou takes a deep breath. "So Hideaki... you signed up for the Holy Grail War?" His sudden question takes me off guard, but there's no shame in responding to it.

So I nod. "Yeah, but I thought it was just a video game... at least that's how it was marketed towards people." And now it's my turn to ask something. "So, how did you learn about it...? I'm guessing it's related to Auntie Rider?"

Father nods back. "Yeah... the truth is that I'm a mage... and so is your mother to a certain extent... And well, Rin has pretty much dedicated her entire life towards it." Ah, I should have figured.

He scratches his cheek. "We didn't tell you this before, because... nowadays me and your mother are disconnected from the whole thing. I'm sure you have already figured it out, but it's not all sunshine and rainbows." I haven't really.

Servants and the Regalia are the only thing I've encountered so far that could be considered magecraft, and they don't seem particularly bad. I'll take his word for it though, there's no reason dad would lie about this.

He continues. "Your mother and I... You may not know this, but there was once an actual Grail, completely unrelated to this Moon Cell one. We fought on it, though..." His fists shake. "There was no real winner." I see.

Maybe this whole Grail thing is cursed, considering I got my victory stolen under my nose by some rogue A.I. who may or may not love me.

Medusa interjects. "And that's from where I was summoned. After the war ended I... stuck around. Albeit severely weakened of course." She chuckles. "It's a bit weird that you never questioned my presence, that I must say." I simply chose to trust in my family.

I look away. "Well, it's not like I was going to walk over to my aunt and ask, hey why do you never age, you absolute bum? Find a job." She now looks like I ripped her heart apart. Good.

I look at the Dark Saber. "So what's your story, Arthur? Did you also remain from the previous Grail War?" In that case she would probably be my father's Servant... Unless some switcheroo happened at some point.

The Dark Saber smirks. "No. I was a Servant from the past war, but your aunt and your father killed me." Immediately Medusa and Shirou tense up. "Nonetheless, I have been summoned by the Moon Cell."

I raise an eyebrow. "The Moon Cell...? Wouldn't it make more sense for the normal Grail to have summoned you?" I won't question Arthur about... about what she said. It was a war, I get it.

Arthur shakes her head. "The Grail is completely and utterly destroyed. The Moon Cell summoned me, and is also what's currently supplying Rider with mana." So it essentially took over huh.

Meltryllis interjects. "Ah, I was wondering why you were here... This is probably just another case of things going out of BB's control. The Moon Cell is rebelling and using old Masters as its enforcers." That's surprisingly good news.

First the Regalia and now this... Even though she wears a cocky mask, BB doesn't have nearly as much control as she would like to say. Hell, she can't even directly kill Master's after all.

Mother tilts her head. "And what's your excuse?" She has finally recuperated enough to question Meltryllis. "Why... why are you wearing my face? Why are you... things doing these horrible things with my face...!?" She's slowly losing her calm.

And Meltryllis just shrugs. "BB was an A.I. based on you, if she's doing something, then it's probably something you would have done in her circumstances." Mother flinches. "I'm completely different however, I'm my own being."

She nods to herself. "Yes, while I'm technically a part of BB that she has removed from herself, I'm no copy. So I have enough freewill to make my own decisions, such as betraying her." she doesn't mention how BB is in love with me.

I'm strangely grateful for that.

She continues. "As for BB's goals... who knows? Maybe she's just trying to gain full control over the Moon Cell?" What the fuck do you mean who knows!? You were a part of her damn it!?

I glare at her. "Be for real Meltryllis." And I'm not the only one doing so right now. We don't exactly have the luxury of her acting all mysterious or whatever.

She looks away, a blush on her face. "Ah, I'm feeling something new, it's frustration at a loved one's idiocy." I feel that all the time. "I am being for real. BB might as well be the poster child for paranoia, and I was her enforcer, not her confidant."

"For example... I know there's that rebel cell on the Moon, I know BB has other enforcers there, but I don't know most details and names." Well, at least it's good to know that there are other people trying to stop BB.

I look at at Altera, and then at Aria. "So these two are also just more rebellion from the Moon Cell...?" If the Moon Cell has been giving Servants to past Masters...

Wait, does that mean Kiara fought in the same war as my father...? No right? She should be involved with the Moon Cell too, which means some weird fuckery is going on. There's also that mysterious Archer to consider... if he didn't die that is.

Meltryllis shrugs again. "I dunno, BB was expecting you to call for your old Servant for the longest time." I see. I think I tried, and failed, instead I probably reached Altera using the Regalia. "BB was pretty freaked out about the Rainbow Saber over there though... she didn't even know about the fox."

I take some time thinking. "Well, I think I called Altera with the Regalia... But I can't be too sure."

Altera speaks up, and her gaze shifts from Meltryllis to me, and there is a notable difference in her expression. That is to say, she isn't glaring at me. "I heard your call, I answered. I will do the same if you call me again, always."

I smile. "Thanks. I'll keep calling you as usual." She blushes... And then Meltryllis hold on me gets tighter. I have a feeling I got myself on a tough situation.

So I might as well keep moving the conversation. "Hey, Aria... do you have any idea why you were summoned?" Apparently Arthur immediately knew about being summoned by the Moon Cell, so maybe it's the same thing with her.

Aria looks away. "I... erm... not really, sorry. All I know is that I was supposed to look for a precious thing, that's all." A precious thing...? She's probably talking about her husband schtick then.

Meltryllis scoffs. "I would be willing to bet an leg that your existence has something to do with that fox woman..." Tamamo-No-Mae, one of Japan's great evils, and apparently my Servant. It's only natural she would have something to do with Tamamo Aria.

And now I might as well ask the most absurd thing so far. "By the way Meltryllis... I haven't made a secret of it so far, but I don't remember a goddamn thing about this Grail War I supposedly won. Why is that?"

Dad's eyes widen. "For real!?" I have a feeling this whole Moon talk is confusing him a lot. It doesn't surprise me, since it's confusing me too.

Meltryllis frowns. "As one would expect, it's BB. She stole the memories of all the participants of the Grail War, including yours... She also reversed the Grail to a certain extent." Reversed...?

"Even though you won the Grail, the method of your victory has been erased... for some reason. This means the competitors of the Moon Cell Grail War are alive, even if BB captured most of them. The ones who escaped made that rebel cell in the first place." I wonder if that's part of what's weakening my Regalia as well.

Father puts a hand on his chin. "The heart was pierced, and then the spear struck. This A.I. reverted cause and effect huh... Does that mean if we made things normal again, something would change, or would they stay as they are?"

Meltryllis hums. "Dunno." You're saying that a lot. "Best case scenario Aki is decreed as the complete victor and all the authority goes to him, letting him delete BB. Worst case scenario nothing happens and she laughs at us." With my luck, it will probably be the second scenario.

I sigh. "Well, we will keep the possibility in mind... That said, why am I here in the first place? Shouldn't I be on the Moon too?" Instead I didn't even realize a Grail War had happened in the first place.

She tilts her head. "Because you escaped from the Moon, it's as simple as that. Not a easy feat to be sure, but you're actually pretty amazing." Ah!? A sudden ego boost!? "Your Servant stayed however, and your memory was probably burned... At least that's what I think. I dunno." Again!?

Oh well, she already gave me tons of information, I can't complain. "And... what if I knew another person who should probably be there, but isn't? And she also had a Servant too..."

Meltryllis smiles. "You're talking about that cow Kiara, right?" Why call her cow!? "Yeah, she escaped... somehow. BB isn't too worried about her, she's an average Master with a below average Servant." I can't deny that...

Father interjects. "So there's another Master hanging around...? Do they have a base of operations or something, Hide?" He then mumbles. "Kiara, huh? Seems familiar..."

I nod. "Yeah, she's mostly helping whatever survivors that she can... Her Servant is pretty weak though, and she definitely has amnesia too." Which means... "Whenever I'm able to, I will go there and relay this information to her too."

"And speaking of Masters... Some random Archer helped us while we fought BB's enforcers. We should probably pursue that lead too." And then... I have no idea what we do next.

Dad frowns. "I have a feeling I know who that Archer is... And the Master is most likely Rin." That makes sense, since she's apparently a mage too, she most likely participated in the old Grail War as well.

I immediately feel relieved. "So now we just need to find Taiga and everything will be alright... Actually, do you have any leads on her whereabouts dad?" She's not here at least, or I would have met her already.

He shakes his head. "No. We... during the time we have been apart we have been exclusively looking for you." Ah. "Well, we did spend a bit of time freaking out of course, specially when Artoria was summoned." I imagine she was the dark presence felt by Aria.

Still, Artoria huh? I guess that's better than just calling her King Arthur over and over again. "I see. Maybe she's with Kiara then... I was also only looking for you guys, and since she said you weren't there I didn't even bother saying hello to the survivors." Even I know that I'm suggesting something absurd.

Taiga is probably dead.

Shirou takes a deep breath. "So our next steps are finding Rin, who might also contact us soon. And contacting this Kiara." He clenches his fists. "I have a concrete goal." I have no idea what's going through his mind.

Mother fakes a cough. "S-so, this meeting is over, right?" Why am I suddenly filled with fear...?

"Yeah, it's over mom. Though we should probably discuss details later." And there are things I didn't tell them. Like how I visit Altera while I sleep, or how I invaded Meltryllis' heart so I could bring her to our side... Or how BB might love me.

And I don't even know if I want to tell them.

My mother gets up, and puts her hands on her hips. "Okay, then you should eat some food and rest!" This again...? "You're looking super pale..." I doubt it, but I understand that a mother worries and all.

Her face goes red. "A-and, what is your relationship with my son anyways? I know... I understand that you probably dislike me, but be has nothing to do with this, so let him go!" She's talking with Meltryllis of course.

Meltryllis raises an eyebrow. "My relationship with Aki...? Isn't obvious?" This is the end. "We are lovers of course." The air shifts. I think my mother was still in denial, but now she can't run away from reality.

Sakura starts pulling her. "G-get away from him, y-you weirdo!" I cannot defend either. I hope Meltryllis understands that I naturally can't speak back to my own mother.

Meltryllis rolls her eyes, but stands her ground. "Ugh, you really are just like her..." I'm assuming she's talking about BB...? That doesn't make much sense though.

My Mother doesn't seem to care much. "Just leave! Senpai, help!" She called my father a scary word just now, but it's not like I'm unused to it, she sometimes does it almost by instinct.

It's a nostalgic feeling, so even though I have a girl on my lap, I yawn and then close my eyes. Maybe I really was tired because the world immediately darkens.

That's right, I'll escape this awkward situation by sleeping!


AN: BB has me. Help me.


Infinite Daze

"No one won the Grail War." Said Shirou. "I-I definitely won a Grail War too!" Said Sakura, the Fraud Gamer.