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"Are you sure you want to stay, Flugel...?" I don't like this whole thing. My son suddenly got dragged to bed with that Eris girl, and now he actually wants to support Philip and that stupid idea of his.

Now, as Flugel's father, I will support whatever path he decides to walk of course, but he certainly picked a super dangerous one! Why are we getting involved with crazy politics of all things!?

He scratches his cheek, and looks away with a blush. "Yeah... I will apologize to mom through a letter, but for now I have to protect Eris... Since she's too dumb to protect herself." Makes sense. That girl is somehow more stupid than even Ghislaine.

What doesn't make sense is the fact that Flugel is actually willing to help Eris in the first place... Now don't get me wrong, my son did like the girl to a certain extent, but it was clear to see that there was a divide between the two.

Did sex change their relationship dynamics that much...? No. Becoming nice and obedient is reserved for young noble ladies who get pumped full of aphrodisiacs, that type of stuff doesn't happen to men!

My son crosses his arms. "By the way... Don't tell my mom what actually happened between me and Eris. Just tell her we naturally got along." Oh? Flugel wants to keep a secret from Zenith? How strange...

I raise an eyebrow. "Why is that?" I'm sure she will be super happy to know her son finally found a girlfriend who's actually around his age. Even if the methods of how that happened are a bit uncommon.

Flugel's eye twitches. "Only you of all people would be unconcerned by all of this." Eh? What does he mean? "Look, just... just don't tell mom, she will actually have a heart attack and die on the spot." Welp, I can't deny that you're smarter than me, so sure.

Flugel then begins taking a multitude of letters from his pockets. "Anyways, hand these through the village." He gives them to me, there is a name on each one.

Just what is my son planning anyways? "Are these all goodbyes or something?" Norn and Aisha will cry... Ugh, that's gonna be a pain. And also maybe an opportunity! Flugel has way more affection points than I do, but maybe now the father can take the lead.

He shrugs. "To a certain point yes, but also not really. Most important of all, they contain orders." So he really is mobilizing his little terrifying army of killers huh? Well, I guess if he already chose to side with Philip anyways, might as well...

Still... "I will ask again, are you sure about this Flugel? You are walking a path that cannot be unwalked. If you really want to become head of the Notos... It will be a bloody path." It almost feels unfair in a way.

When I was young, everything on that territory was gonna be freely handed to me, but out of pettiness I ran away and threw everything away as. And now my son, who actually deserves the title of Lord, will have to bet his life for it.

To my surprise however, he shakes his head. "I will take the land of the Notos, but I have no plans of becoming Lord Notos Greyrat." Is he planning on officially annexing those lands to the Boreas or something...?

A smile appears on his face. "I plan on becoming king. Roxy and Eris' body deserve that much." You just said some scary stuff just now! Also, why did you specify the young lady's body!?

Has my son... been mind broken? Nah. I repeat, that type of stuff only happens to women, not to men!

Yeah, definitely.


"Um... so what do I do exactly?" I'm nervous. I studied etiquette and the like before of course, but studying something and actually putting it to pratice are two completely different things. I just hope I don't embarrass myself.

My grandmother, the Water God, smiles. "Just mingle with whoever you want Isolte... you are in desperate need of friends at this point." H-hey...! "Besides, you will need to attend parties like this one in the future anyways." That's certainly true.

As a practitioner of the Water God style, I'm not simply a mindless brute like those who walk the path of the Sword God, or the North God. It is expected I become a official knight, and that I swear myself either to a noble, or to a kingdom.

Considering I haven't done that so far, I'm actually rather behind. I'm already a Water King after all... Still one rank behind that annoying perverted woman, but far above most swordsmen.

I look back at my grandmother. "But...!" And she isn't here anymore. While I completely immersed myself in my thoughts, she left without another word. Ah...! This is bad!

I mean, maybe I wouldn't feel so nervous if this was a normal noble's party, but even royalty is here! Hell, even the crown prince is here...! This is the guy who will basically decide my future!

So I simply walk around... completely and utterly lost. That is until I spot a man I don't know the name of... He is clearly a swordsman though, and not just one of those mediocre ones that fill the kingdom.

His physique says as much... And he's also being shadowed by the Sword King Ghislaine of all people! From what I heard she has been working with the Boreas, which means he must be part of that family as well.

So I assume he has something in common with me, and get closer, hoping to introduce myself. I do a formal bow. "Hello, Lord Boreas Greyrat..." I gotta make friends in high places, I gotta make friends in high places!

He smiles, but does not bow, he can probably tell I'm not a noble like him. "Hello to you too... Miss... Sorry, I don't quite know your name?" He seems pretty confused by my sudden appearance. Ah, why do I have a feeling I'm about to embarrass myself?

Our eye meet, a shock runs through my body. "I'm in love with you, please let me bear your children!" And those horrible words leave my treacherous mouth. I wonder if grandmother would kill me if I asked.

Everybody stops to stare at me, or at least it feels that way. I take a step backwards, and my hand instinctively starts moving towards my sword. Not because I want to hurt anyone, but because my body is accustomed to doing this in stressful situations.

But the noble laughs. "Welp, I rather doubt that's your name! It would certainly be exotic however." Strangely enough, after that people go back to minding their business, taking his statement as a joke.

It's probably because the noble of Asura tend to be... rather dirty. Still, this has played to my advantage, and so I breathe a huge sigh of relief. Thank Milis he took what I said as a joke, because I meant it. What do I mean I meant it!?

He continues. "So what's your actual name...? I'm Flugel Greyrat by the way, but the Boreas isn't part of it." It isn't...? He must be of rather low status then, working more as a messenger for them than anything else.

He can put plenty of low status children in me. "I-I'm Isolte Cruel. It's a pleasure meeting you Lord Greyrat!" Why am I acting like this!? I have never been perverted, so why can I only think of this man right now!?

He tilts his head. "The newest Water King huh?" He knows me... He knows me! That alone is enough to send my head soaring through the clouds with happiness!

What's happening to me...? I heard about how Asura's nobles were brutes who could make other women completely subservient to them, but typically that would involve a rape dungeon and aphrodisiacs! This man however took one look at me, and now I can't control myself!

M-maybe this is a sign of some sort...? I haven't put much thought into having a husband before, normally my standards would be pretty high... But perhaps my lady is now telling me this is the man for me.

I smile. "Y-yes! I'm quite strong! And I haven't even sworn myself to a lord yet!" Normally I wouldn't brag about my strength, even if I am very proud of it. Right now though, I can't help myself.

Ahhhh! I want to get praised!

But what if he thinks this actually makes me rather unladylike!? I hadn't even thought of that, but it is true that my body is more muscular than soft...! Awawawawa, just what do I do!?

He raises an eyebrow. "Oh...? Is than an offer?" I did come across like that, didn't? Well, it might really be one. "So, presuming it is, how much would you want?" Ah, I don't really know... To be honest, I'm surprised he is even willing to consider.

Right now I'm assuming he is working for the Boreas, who are probably already going bankrupt paying for a Sword King anyways... Maybe their coffers are bigger than I thought? Not that it matters anyways, since I don't want to follow the Boreas, I want to follow him.

A blush appears on my face. "I... would accept your... your heart as payment, my lord." Ah, I went and said it...! Now he's definitely not gonna take my words as a joke!

B-but maybe he will say yes...?

A light frowns appears on his face, and he takes a step back, getting closer to the quiet Ghislaine. Not a good sign. "Um... my apologies Miss Isolte, but I'm a married man." Oh. I see.

I might be the dumbest, most shameless woman in history. Now, not only does he know, and is probably creeped out by my previous comment not being a joke, but I have also acted like a harlot.

A sign of Milis!? What kind of joke is that!? I'm making moves on a married man! Ah...! And the worst part is that the flame on my heart isn't decreasing at all! This... No Water King should act like this!

I can't believe I'm this pathetic, but a sob escapes me. "N-no, I should be the one apologizing." I kind of want to run to my grandmother to cry on her shoulder right now. All of this for a man I just met.

And the worst part, is that I can't help, but hope he is like the typical Asura noble. That he will say no now in public, but meet later in the night and warm my bed. Even just thinking about it sends hot feelings running through my body.

And then suddenly our conversation is interrupted by a blonde woman. "I see you're befriending a Water King. The mighty mingle with the mighty huh?" I feel angry for some reason, doesn't this woman know how to read the room!?

Flugel laughs. "Oh please Princess Ariel, let's not act like I would stand a chance against a Water King of all things." Wait!? Princess...!? And I was about to say some really uncouth things to her too...!

Today just isn't my day...

Ariel laughs back. "I see! But from what I've heard, you believe you would stand a chance against the crown prince." H-huh? "I've been hearing rumors of small army making it's way to Notos territory... And now that my dear Luke has regrettably taken his own life... How mysterious." Why do I feel like I shouldn't hear this?

Flugel seems to be avoiding making eye contact with her. "First my condolences to Lord Luke. From what I heard he was a bright man who deserved to live a long life." Are they talking about Luke Notos Greyrat? So he died recently huh...

Ariel's smile doesn't change at all. "I'm sure those words calm his spirit." But she actually sounds rather mad. Now, obviously Luke did not take his own life, but is she accusing Flugel of what I think she is?

Well, I rather doubt it was by his hand of course. What I mean is that the Boreas would have a rather nice chance to take over the Notos if Luke perished... But wouldn't it better to marry the man to one of their family instead? They would still need a Notos...

This whole thing is complicated! I'm trained as a knight damn it, I'm meant to swing a sword, and I know how to lead an army... in theory, but I'm not made for politics! The only reason I haven't left, is that I don't want to... I don't want to leave Flugel's side.

Flugel clears his throat. "Anyways. Any such rumour about an army marching towards Notos are unfounded. I imagine all houses here are completely and utterly loyal to the Crown Prince, and from what I heard he has decided who should own these lands." It's strange.

The king isn't dead, just old, and yet the crown prince acts like the crown does actually rest on his head. I shouldn't say anything however, he might be the man I serve for the rest of my life after all.

A horrible image runs through my mind. An image of me one day being a old knight spinster having to watch over the kingdom while Flugel already has grandchildren with that wife of his. It makes my body shiver with sadness.

Ariel nods. "Of course, Prime Minister Darius shall inherit those lands." A weird decision to be sure. From what I know, he also had no claim over Notos territory, but I suppose he's just receiving the perks of allying with the crown prince.

She continues. "And because of that, if some other bastard Notos entered that territory with an army, it would be akin to declaring war against his own kingdom. Without a doubt it would be the shortest civil war in history." I really don't get what's going on.

But Flugel's eye twitches. "I'm no bastard." There's no way to misunderstand what they're saying, Flugel must have Notos blood. That's probably why he's working with the Boreas. "You are right on the last part however." Yeah...

Even with Ghislaine, challenging the crown prince would be foolish. Now, maybe if he had two King-Ranked warriors on his side... Well, divorce does exist, and... Bad! Bad Isolte! Making conspiracies to betray the Asura kingdom is really bad!

Flugel sighs. "So, what exactly do you want with me, Princess Ariel?" He brings a good point. Until now she has just accused him about a bunch of stuff with no end goal.

The princess pouts. "A direct man huh? Well, it's just that... Let me clear Flugel Notos Greyrat, my brother does not support you, but I would be rather more forgiving of such actions." She acknowledges his true name.

Her intent is clear, go through it and he would have her on his side. Now, the third in line for the throne doesn't have much support to give, but that could change if Flugel happened to win a few battles with her under his banner.

He chuckles. "I'm the direct one? Talking about that while Isolte is right here..." I can only keep being silent, as I have been for the last few moment. "But we will see what the future brings, your highness." A wishy-washy answer.

The princess frowns. "Such a non-committal answer... Are you allying with my brother perhaps?" She's talking about the second in line for the throne of course. The man is known to be rather passive however, so I doubt it.

Flugel shakes his head. "That isn't it either, but I have no intention of helping put anyone else on the throne." Anyone else?

"Anyone else?" Ariel's words are perfectly in synch to my mind's thoughts. "Don't tell me you plan on becoming king or something..." That would be impossible of course. Even if the Boreas did control Notos territory, such a thing would still be far away.

Flugel smirks. "King? No. I rather be an emperor." He finally stops avoiding Ariel's eyes, and a new resolve is founds on his. "But I definitely won't be of course! Long live the king." He metaphorically takes a step back, so he won't be executed right here and now for treason.

Ariel blushes bright red. "You..." Is she impressed?

Princess Ariel gets on her knees. "Lord Subaru Greyrat, would you marry me?" H-huh? "I believe together we could do anything we wish. By the way, you can do anything you wish to my body." What the hell!?

I rather hypothetically point at her. "Just what do you think you're doing, harlot!? This man is already married!" Everybody's attention is now back to us. It's not everyday a princess suddenly gets on her knees and proposes to a low born noble.

But Flugel just laughs again. I wonder if he genuinely thinks it's a joke. "I must say, as a man from the countryside, I'm unused to humor from the big cities!" Yep, he's treating it as a joke.

And I guess everyone else is too, because as the party continues, more women start to suddenly hit on Flugel like Ariel and I did.

That's right, I started the stupidest trend ever.


"It's do or die now..." My lord, Flugel mutters to himself. "And things won't change, no matter how many times I re-read this." He's talking about a letter from Princess Ariel, who says Darius has much more men than previously thought.

Ever since that fateful meeting at the party, where I had my heart stolen with but a glance, the princess has been acting as Flugel's spy. Apparently she managed to infiltrate the crown prince's circle by acting like a pathetic defeated dog begging for mercy.

Not that I can talk of course, considering that very same night I invaded his room and begged with tears on my eyes for him to take me. He didn't, but at least I now get to act as his eternally loyal shield.

Yes, I am both a general of his army, and his bodyguard, and I could receive no greater honor. And I definitely don't cry until my eyes are dry everytime that bitch Eris enters his tent. By the way, I broke her arm on a spar.

That's right, she may have the man I love, but she has never defeated me in combat!

I should stop thinking about these sort of things here, i might break down into tears in front of the army I'm supposed to be leading.

Flugel looks at the small stream that marks itself as the border of the Notos territory. If the takes one step into it, war will begin.

A smile reaches his face. "I might as well steal some historic quote." Before I can ask what he means, he crosses the stream. It's shallow, so he can do it on his horse without any problem.

He raises his arm. "The die is cast." Without a doubt these words will be written on history books. I don't know if my lover will succeed or fail, but...

He has just triggered a civil war which will consume this kingdom in flames. Of that I have no doubt. And all for his personal greed as well, it wouldn't be unfair to call him a lustful monster.

And the worst part is that my heart still yearns for his... Forgive me Lady Milis!


AN: Isolte a cute! And also didn't rape Flugel in any way, shape, or form. Does that make her better or worse than Eris and Roxy?


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